Chapter Sixteen

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I stood in front of my loom as Emmis went out into the street once again.

"I am truly sorry about yesterday." I said loudly so that everyone could hear me.

"We are used to it now." Neith said quietly.

We went to work and finished quite a few rugs. Someone knocked on the door loudly and shouted something in a language that I did not understand.

"I will get it" Ebony said.

She opened the door to reveal a boy, no more than fourteen years old, holding a bulk of papyrus tablets.

"Emmis ordered this" The boy said holding up a single tablet.

"How much?" Ebony asked.

"She already paid for a year's worth of tablets." He said handing Ebony the papyrus.

"Thank you" She said closing the door gently.

"Let's read it!" Calista said, excitement radiated from her voice.

"It is in a language I don't understand" Ebony said holding up the tablet to us.

I noticed that it was in Greek.

"I don't know what that is either" The rest of the girls said.

"I can read it" I said holding my hand out.

Ebony nodded and handed me the scroll. I unrolled it and cleared my throat.

"It says-" I began.

"Pharaoh and Queen Bernice Of Egypt is now married to Archealous, a honourable warrior of a foreign country. The High Priest, Ramses Ammon IV is planning to marry Cleo Octavius Augusta, a daughter of a Roman Governor. Harvest season was a success. Ife, once mistress of the traitor Auletes, escaped from Prison. Her whereabouts are unknown but Bernice wants someone to hunt her down and bring Ife to her. The price for the animal's capture is 100 thousand rubles and a title of "Lord or Lady of Justice". Please go to one of the palace guards if you have any idea of where Ife is.

"Wow, I feel horrible for the poor girl Ife, she was just a sex slave to Ptolomey, not her fault." Calista said.

I wanted to scream at her "Really a sex slave? You ignorant little-" but my thoughts were interrupted by more talking.

"She is just a girl. And she's pregnant!" Ebony whispered.

I gasped half-hardily with the others.

"Really? I didn't know that" Cleo said.

"Wow, you must live under a rock" I said glaring at Cleo, my nerves were even more shot with the babies now.

"Why are you looking at me like that Eria?" Cleo asked sharply.

"I'm just annoyed. Sorry" I mumbled.

"You should be" Cleo glared.

The awkward silence that followed lasted for about forty-five seconds before we went back to work. Before the day started I felt like I might've been able to be accepted into their group, but I felt like they were turning on me and shutting me out, like they were a group of Roman Soldiers.

" brother, getting married to that stuck-up wench. Poor Ramses" I thought to myself as I spun the red cloth.

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