Chapter Twenty-Five

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I watched as my Father writhed in agony from the evil snake's poisonous teeth that had bit him.

"Mother! Do something!" I screamed at her.

"There's nothing that we can do..." My mother whispered, tears falling down her face.

"O'please, Ra have mercy on us!" My brother Ammon pleaded, falling to his knees.

"I-Ife" My father said weakly, his body convulsing, making loud noises as his body slammed against the floor up and down again.

"Yes Father?" I whispered quietly.

"N-Never doubt yourself, no matter what others may think...Don't mourn me, know that my ba (soul) is with you all, always"

"Father you will be okay! Don't talk like that!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

"Shhh...Don't cry" He said gently smiling at me, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"Eria...T-Take care of the children" Those were my Father's last words.

My Mother passed away a few months after...She refused to eat anything, she wanted to be with her mate and she couldn't bare to live without him. On Ammon's twenty-ninth birthday, he became Head Priest, and I suddenly became a burden to him, even though when we were younger he promised we would always be together...

I heard shouting and my eyes snapped open, I jumped up and looked around, trying to see if we were about to be discovered.

"Calm down my lady, it is just the sailors getting rowdy." Neva whispered gently to me, slowly pulling me back down to the floor.

"Yes, we're fine my lady, nothing to worry about" Badra added.

"I-I had a dream...I was reliving my father's death" I said shakily, the dream was exactly how my father had died.

"Well, it's over now. You're safe with us..." Neva said brushing my hair with her fingers.

It had been a month since we had left Selene and Cliao behind and I missed them dearly. I could never repay them for the kindness and loyalty they showed me. I heard a loud boom of thunder and lightning illuminated the small cellar.

"Oh Ra, have mercy on us. May Isis protect us from Neptune" Neva said forming the cross sign against evil.

We heard shouts and grunts of the slaves above, they were forced to keep the ship moving, even through terrible weather.

"Keep it moving! Keep rowing unless your back wants to meet this whip!" I heard the captain shout to the men.

I felt the ship start moving faster in a desperate attempt to move forward against the battering wind.

"Let's pray that they don't underestimate the powers of the sea..." Badra whispered to me, holding my hand tightly.

"Isis will protect us" Neva whispered back reassuringly to her.

"Yes" I murmured, praying to Isis to protect us.

We suddenly heard a series of shouts in a tongue that I didn't understand. Their voices were rough and un-recognizable.

"Check the cellar!" Someone barked in Egyptian.

We gasped, and looked around, trying to find somewhere to hide. Neva suddenly took out a knife, raised it to her chest level, and walked quietly to the door, ready to attack...

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