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You smiled at him, it was normal for him to come over this late anyway. "Hello Kenny, good seeing you." He unzipped his orange parka to his neck.

"Formal as always huh." You just roll your eyes as he smirks. You open the door wider and let him push past you.

"Let me guess, problem with your ma again?" He nods, you just sigh and smile. You gently tread to the fridge and grab him a cold soda. You hoped it would make him feel better, it always did, but you was just nervous about everything no matter what.

You hand him the soda which he takes gratefully before falling face first against your couch.

You laugh as he groans. "How do you have such comfortable shit?" You simply look at the couch, and shrug. "Rich bitch." You chuckle to yourself but answer anyway.

You put your finger on your chin and tap in a thoughtful way. "Actually, I think that's the one I got from 6th street last spring..." You trail off and smirk evilly as he darts up and sprints to your chair. He glares at the chair and at you.

"Now I know why you never sat on it before." You just put your hand on your hip and sit on the offending furniture. He flinches and looks at it as if it's toxic.

"You realize that this is the wooden love seat I made you build right? I just put on cushions and a cover." You blandly reply and watch as he examines the couch skeptically before gasping.

"How rude, you cover my masterpiece. Maybe I should show you not to be so mean to your good friend." He strides over to you, his shaggy blonde hair brushing against your forehead as you sat on your knees. He towered over your shorter height of 5"2". His breath was hot against your cheeks.

You looked up as him before dragging him down to your height, his lips eagerly clashed against yours as you held him down to your body. Your legs started to tremble as you continued to hold yourself up in an awkward position. You felt his warm hands reach down, grazing your hips as his fingers curled around your thighs before hoisting you up.

Oh, you forgot to mention the details of his late night visits didn't you?

You laughed breathily, "Well, you aren't too particular about your masterpiece right now, are you?" He groaned as you bite at his earlobe.

"Nah, there's something else I'm taking care of right now." You groan as he kisses you again, he grips your hips and pushes you against the wall of the living room in your apartment.

You whine as your legs hang limply against his hips. He smirks at you before attacking your neck. His tongue peeks out swirling against your skin in an exciting manner. You pull your head away before he could find your sweet spot.

He hummed in protest until you pulled off his parka, you effectively silenced him to quiet groans as you gently kissed and bit at his neck and just below his jaw. His breath hitched as you grabbed his hair and bit his bottom lip.

You knew how your biting turned him on.

The tables turned when he leaned you against the wall and yanked off his shirt. You moaned slightly and dragged your nails down his chest. He just smirked, and pressed your bodies together. You sharply inhaled, especially when he reached between your bodies and traced patterns right above your jean line.

Soon he got sick of you biting your lip to keep your pleasure to yourself, he gently traced up your shirt, undoing the buttons with fluid motions before pulling it off. He immediately gripped your chest, leaving you held against the wall and on top off his excitement.

You whined, feeling yourself get turned on even further. You grinded against him, he tightened his grip a bit, but gave no signal that he was affected. He continued his adventure of your torso as he traced the indents of your shoulder blades and gently following the lining of your bra.

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