Mysterion x Reader

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You silently exited the dimly lit pub, it wasn't the best place to work, but playing music never paid well unless you could get good tips. Drunks, as odd as it seemed, were funny and great tippers. It was kinda of fun. A good beginning job for a musician such as yourself.

You tied the laces of your green converse tighter and stood back up, you continued your way back to your house. You wondered if your older brother was still up and about at the prime hour of, you looked at your watch, three A.M.

You glanced at the barren road, how such a busy road was so dead at night surprised you at first, now it was an old sight.

A yell makes you look back down the road, you stare in confusion. There wasn't anyone around. You look to the alleyway, a tall figure stood in it. "Yes? What do you desire?" You hear him chuckle, it sounds like a drunken hiccup. Oh, shit.

"Funny wording there lass. You have a penny for a poor bastard?" You look at him warily, your phone already in your hand.

"No," You answer strongly. "It's not pay day yet. I don't have a nickel on my person."

He chuckles, "That's a lie, I tipped you good. Well, I paid in advance for something." You grabbed your phone and tried to dial Nine-one-one. You were cut off when he threw your phone into the road.

"Shit." You curse, that was the only way to get help. You bat his hands away, but the drunken laugh must have been a ploy. There is no way he could have over powered you otherwise. He flips you over.

"I'm going to enjoy this," You growl and kick the air violently, trying to shake him off. This fuck was disgusting, screw tips. You were tempted to go to the day shift now. Though you knew you probably wouldn't, if you lived through this anyway.

You felt his lips kissing your neck as he fumbled with the buttons on your jeans. You fought him and thanked the lord that these were your jeans with the buttons on the left hip.

You cursed and struggled harder as he found the buttons and started to undo them. Then suddenly he was off. You shot up and rebuttoned your jeans. You scooted to the edge of the alley, watching the mysterious figure carefully as he threw you assaulter out of the alley. The perpetuator lunged at him, but the other, you presumed, male threw a punch that knocked him out cold.

You whistled, "Damn, that was a fucking right hook." The figure looked at you curiously, usually when he saved girls they cried in relief. Which was expected and fine, but this one was also relieving him a bit, comforting wasn't really one of his best traits. "Remind me not to kick your ass, I totally could, but I don't feel like breaking my nose yet. I'll call you when I do though."

Yep, she was definitely different.

"Are you alright madame?" You get up and fix your button up shirt, it was dirty, but not too much so. You fix your collar and give him a cool look.

"I'm a musician at a late night haunt, I'm used to this. Though one that smart was a first." You look at him and give him a cocky half smile. "Thanks grammar boy." He looks confused until she springs the question mark on his forehead with a flick of her finger.

Was this chick nuts?

"Before you ask, yes I'm a psychopath not nuts, and no I'm not a mind reader. I get similar reactions. She grabbed his collar and pulled him close to her lips, moving to his ear. "I'll give you a little secret with girls, you got the right idea, girls like bad boys sure. Think they can tame them, however, heroes are every girls' fantasy, knight in shining armor and shit." You turned away from him, hips swaying.

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