Stan x Kyle

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            His heart pounded in his ears, what now? How had this started even? One minute all he was doing was smiling at him. Now their mouths were moving against each other hotly, tongues clashing, hands roaming. He let out a groan as the other's hand grabbed his crotch. Forcing himself, he broke the kiss and turned his head away. Now speaking absentmindedly in his daze.

"Stan..." He was breathless.

"Yes, Kyle? Is something bothering you?" Kyle let out a breath as Stan's hand began to rub small circles. His hand was burning hot in Kyle's hair as it held his head in place. Leaving Kyle helpless to Stan's touch. Letting him do anything he wanted to him.

"What are you doing-hah." Stan pressed a little harder against him, moving his body between Kyle's leg. Kyle's pant felt uncomfortably tight as Stan reconnecting their lips. Squirming in his seat on the bed. Kyle let out another strangled noise as Stan shoved him down onto the bed. His legs were forced apart, not that Kyle minded as Stan seemed to be kissing any protest out of him.

"Shut up." Stan mumbled against Kyle's lips. Kyle broke the kiss again this time for a breath. Leaving Stan to pepper kisses down his jaw line and his neck, leaving small marks in his trails. Kyle had to bite his lip to hold in his moans and sanity. Until Stan snuck a hand into his pants and kissed him again.

"You keep biting that lip, and I'll have to bite it for you." Kyle reluctantly let his bruised bottom lip free from his teeth just as Stan's hand found its way deeper into his jeans. Messing with the opening of his boxers.

"That has to be uncomfortable, is it Kyle?" Stan snaps the band of Kyle's boxers for emphasis. Kyle groans at the feeling, why did he have to say such lewd things? It was making this a lot harder to handle. Especially the way he said his name. God.

"But there are other things to take care of first. Like that pretty shirt your wearing, it would look much better on the floor wouldn't it?" Kyle didn't have any time to react before Stan practically yanked his shirt off. Tossing it to the floor before smirking down at him, a hand splayed out on Kyle's stomach to keep Kyle down and him up. A vantage point he rarely had, being the shorter one of the two.

Blushing bright red to his ears Kyle turned his head away. Stan tutted at him, taking the hand out of the other's pants to forcefully move his face into his view. Saying nothing as the other kissed him again. Letting his hands wonder the others torso. Stan's endless patience was done, it took way too long to try and kiss the naïve idiot. He wasn't going to go slow for any reason other than to be gentle.

Stan moved his head down, his fingers now curling around Kyle's belt loops. Looking up at him, it was like Stan was asking for permission. Kyle didn't even have to think as his body decided for him. Nodding slightly, that was all Stan needed to rid him of the useless clothing. Moving back to the boxers Kyle batted his hands away, blushing bright red as he tried to cover himself.

"You too, you know. You have clothes on still."

Stan smirked, "Is my Kyle embarrassed to be the only naked?" Kyle finally was able to get control of himself. He was a grown man dammit. He gave Stan a smile.

"Nope, I'm selfish, that's why if you don't take the damn shirt off I'm taking it off of you myself." Stan seemed surprised at Kyle's sudden boldness. He had gone from blushing virgin to that man. A dark and sexy smile with an underlying threat. God if it didn't send shudders down Stan's spine.

He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't realize that he was just sitting there staring. Not even hearing the numbers rolling off Kyle's pinks lips. 1...2...3... times up. Kyle sat up and used the momentum to straddle Stan's lap, grabbing the bottom of Stan's shirt and throwing it somewhere that he couldn't honestly care less about.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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