CraigxReader (Sexting)

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You picked at the clear plastic of your phone case, nothing interesting was happening and frankly, you were bored out of your fucking mind.

You scrolled through your fanfiction accounts and tried to find something new, nothing seemed to pop out as you threw your Samsung across the bed in frustration. Ugh, why was life just so boring? Or better question, why did it have these moments where absolutely nothing seemed entertaining?

A pinging sound alerts you of a snap, you greedily grab it, desperate for entertainment. You look at the sender, Craig. Maybe the boys were doing something stupid. You opened the snap and saw Craig shirtless flipping off the camera. 'I want to win a bet, send something back.'

You just shrugged, you had nothing else to do anyway.

You put your phone away from your body and unbuttoned your shirt, but left it on as you leant back and posed against the backboard of your bed. You gave the camera a blank stare. 'Send what ya horny bastards.' You sent it and smirked, he wasn't the only tease who walked the snap world.

His reply was almost instant, it was a picture of him slightly frowning, 'They said it needed to be sexy'

You scoffed and threw down your bra and shirt, you wrapped an arm around your chest and sat on your legs. You threw your head back and stared at the camera. 'I'm not a fucking pornstar, wine and dine bitches' you sent it and waited for the reply.

You giggled, your boredom slightly disappearing. This was amusing, as well as partially turning you on. If you went by the dull throbbing between your thighs. You bite your lip, you didn't want anyone to know sexting turned you on. God know what boys would send you then.

His reply comes a few minutes later, it's him again shirtless and wearing only loose jeans, his v-line showed. The only thing interrupting was a twenty dollar bill in his waist line. 'I won'

You grin smugly, and pull out a few bills from your hand bag. You knew who was daring him to. You placed the dollars long your waist band, only showing the dollar amount slightly. You snapped the picture of your waist and shorts. 'Ones and Fives, Kenny you're teaching him wrong' you snap another picture of your smug grin, a five held in your mouth. 'You do want him to be professional like you right?'

You send it, reviewing them and laughing so hard at your imagination of their expressions. So much for their idea of your little miss innocence. The reply almost comes instantly, 'Dammit Kenny' and 'No idea you knew your shit' the two pictures were of Craig and Kenny with their shirts off, you just chuckled. Idiots. You put down your phone and laid back closing your eyes for a bit as a break. You dose off a bit and awake after fifteen minutes. You groan, no sleep blessing you tonight you guessed.

Another private snap message pings, from Craig? You slide it open in mild interest. He has a towel around his waist and is smirking at the camera, 'Care to join me?' You look from side to side, scanning the room. It's not like anyone was home. You pulled out a towel and sprayed your legs with lukewarm water.

You tangled the cloth between your bare calves and half of your thighs. You snapped the picture. Avoiding your shorts, 'Too late, sure you don't want something else?' The throbbing in your core comes back with a vengeance as your cool down earlier wears off. You shift in discomfort, damn it.

You shake your head and actually get into a shower, you were dirty and needed something to get your mind anywhere but the gutter. You fail horribly, only imagining Craig's toned body under the spray of water, imagining your fingers tracing his strong neck and lower down his abs to his-. You moaned in unhappiness at the almost painful, empty aching.

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