Stan x Reader

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You rolled your hips as you smoothly moved down to the floor, bringing yourself back up to see the awestruck of the males that had peeked down your shirt. You grabbed the closet one and grinded on his thigh and whispered into his ear. "Enjoy the view?" He blushed bright red and nodded, looking away bashfully. You laughed, he was adorable.

Usually boys that you danced on were so boring, confident, same old, same old. This one was so cute, he wasn't arrogant, and that blush. You found yourself kissing his cheek. "I'll be asking for a dance later, so remember your answer~" You taunted, "I'm gonna hold you to it." You walked away feeling his feverish gaze on you and you smirked.

He still had traits of a male, like the fact he was in the palm of your hand. You mused, it's been awhile so it could be fun. His dark brown hair and hazel eyes were brooding. He had a musician vibe and was fidgeting his fingers on the bar as he spoke with his friends, a red head, a blonde, and a lighter colored brunette. He was taller, and had an edge to him.

He was perfectly your type. Just right for a fun night.

You chuckled and continued to dance, aware that your new target's friends and he were watching you. You ignored their gazes and danced your way to the center. It was your song on after all. You swayed sideways working your way through the overheated crowd as they bounced and had a good time.

You saw your girls in the middle as well and joined them to dance for a bit.

Oo-Oo-oh, I know you like all the ways I can move,

Came to dance, but all I can see is you-oo,

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

You have got some fire in your eyes,

You smiled and looked behind you, making eye contact with the brown haired boy, he gulped and tried to give you a seductive smile. You gave him a smirk, it was really adorable when he tried to act all alpha male. It was almost a shame that you already had him. It would've of been fun to play a bit. That's okay, later will make up for that.

You turned away and danced against the crowd for the rest of the song, electricity, it was a good title. Almost described exactly how you were feeling. You giggled, the alcohol from earlier was gone from your system, but it still gave you that giddy feeling that you craved.

Sometimes you wondered how you had ever been blessed with such a high tolerance for a light-weight. You shrugged it off, if it weren't meant to be, it wouldn't have happened.

You danced until you felt it was time to make a move, you slipped in the seat beside the boy you claimed. Some girls were eyeing him but you leaned back and caught their eyes. The message was clear and heard as they turned away and found new bait. 'Mine.' You turned your head to the brunette, as he chatted with his friends.

Your friends saw the glint on your eyes and looked at your 'victim' nodding in appreciation, well, he wasn't a victim if he enjoyed it was he?

You grabbed a glass of water and waited for him to notice you, being patient always worked, it drew them in a bit. Even when they knew that you were very interested. One of his friends elbowed him as you gave him a side-ways glance. He blushed a bit and leaned closer to you. Probably to hear you better in the noisy environment.

You made it easier on him as you leaned in closer as well. "Dance with me?" He numbly nodded, his friends quietly snickered and clapped him on the back. Congratulating him on the good catch. You surveyed the floor and saw the girls of your crew eyeing up his friends.

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