Chapter 1: Finding A Job

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"This is awful." Stiles groaned, pouring himself another cup of coffee. He had been searching for a job for over two weeks now, and nothing had happened. Sure he had found a few jobs, but nothing that remotely interested him, and nothing that would pay too good. He was behind on payments, and needed a new part for his jeep.

The door opened, and Cora came in, Stiles' roommate in their apartment.

As soon as Stiles started college, he couldn't wait to get out of the house, or foster care that is. He was officially eighteen now, and could get his own place, but he knew he couldn't afford one on his own.

He met Cora the first day of college in his Macro Economics class, and figured out she was in the same boat, looking for a roommate. Though they didn't know much about each other at the time, they decided to give it a shot, and they were both on their second year of college now, and had had no problems other than Stiles complaining about all the hair in the drain, and Cora complaining about all the crumbs Stiles leaves on the couch.

"Hey Stiles. . . What's up with you?" She asked, hanging up her coat.

Stiles put out another cigarette, and sighed.

"I've been looking for a job for over two weeks now, and I can't get anything."

"Well geez, when you first mentioned it I thought you were joking, I never would have let you go on this long without my help."

Cora grabbed a chair and sat it next to his, which was parked at the computer.

"I shouldn't need your help to get a job, Cora."

"I know, but I help you with everything, I like to." She smiled. "But wait, there have been job offerings in the paper for months now, jobs I'm sure you can get."

"Yeah, but that's my problem. I don't want a job at Mark's Market or at Malco, I just want something remotely interesting, something I won't get bored at. I know that most people in college don't find jobs like that though, so I guess I can apply to a few listed in the newspaper tomorrow."

"I'm sure you can find a interesting job, you just have to. . . Broaden you range." Cora, said, using he hands to explain. Stiles looked at her strangely, he could tell she was up to something.

"What are you hiding from me?"

She sighed. "How desperate are
you? I might have an idea."

"Extremely." Stiles had been out of a job for a few months now, and it was catching up to him. His last job had been a bust, working at the coffee shop across the street. He was awful at the job. He burnt himself all the time, and could not for the life of him figure out all of the orders that the crazy white girls ordered. What even does half-caf mean?

"Well, you know my brother Derek?"

"No, I've never met him, but continue."

"Well, he owns this joint. . ."

"Like a restaurant? Hot dog joint? I love me some hot dogs."

"No. . . It's a. . . A strip joint, club actually." There was a period of dead silence, where Stiles sat still, and Cora bit her lip.

"A strip. . . Club."

"Yeah." She met his gaze. "Look I know it's crazy but-"

"I wouldn't think it was so crazy, except for the fact that I have no experience stripping, what so ever." Stiles took a drink of his third cup of coffee, and almost spit it out.

"I could help you!"

He choked, then recovered with a look of pure shock.

"I mean, I've been there several times, it's a male strip joint mostly, and all the guys are super nice! It's not that hard, I promise! I know lots of routines, I could help you figure it out. It would be fun!"

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