From Nerd to Hottie (2)

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I had just finished getting dressed when I heard a knock at me door on Saturday morning. I skipped downstairs and flung the door open. Nolen was standing there. "Hey." I said smiling. "Come on in."

Nolen walked in and started looking around. "Nice house. I like your couch."

"My couch?" I asked. "Um.. thank you. No one's ever complimented my couch before."

Nolen laughed. "So? What are we doing?"

I studied Nolen for a moment. "I'm sorry but the hair had got to go!"

"OK, I'll get a trim. I can drive us." He replied.

"Um, no. I'm cutting your hair." I smiled.

Nolen looked at me worried. "Are you sure about that? Do you have experience? I don't think that's a good idea, Paige."

"You'll be fine." I calmed him down. "My mom's a hairdresser, I know how to cut hair."

He still looked uneasy. "You've practiced?"

"Yes." I answered. "Now come on, we're going upstairs to my bathroom."

Nolen said nothing. He followed my upstairs and was hesitant about going into my bathroom.

"Come on, I don't bite." I said. "Sit there." I pointed to my stool near the mirror.

He obeyed and sat. I started spraying his hair with a squirt bottle full of water. I combed it out, which wasn't easy to do, and parted it. His hair fell over his eyes and touched the tip of his nose. On the sides, Nolen's hair went over his ears and in the back, it went over his shirt collar. I reached into a drawer and pulled out some scissors. "Say goodbye to your hair, Nolen." I said before starting.

Nolen grumbled. "Oh, just hurry up and get it over with!"

I started cutting the front part of Nolen's hair. I layered it how my mom taut me and then made sure everything was even. I spun around to the back and started snipping away. Hair went flying as I made Nolen look so much hotter. I went to the sides, cleaned them up, then checked to see if everything was blended in together. His hair actually looked really good. I was proud of myself.

"Open your eyes and look in the mirror." I said.

Nolen sighed, opened his eyes slowly, and turned around. "Oh... my... god... Paige..."

"You hate it?" I flipped out. "No, please don't hate it. I like it. It makes you look different. Good different, not bad. You look, um, well, cute."

"No, Paige, wow, I... I love it!" Nolen smiled at me. "Thanks!"

I blushed. "Oh... Really? Thanks."

Nolen stood up and hugged me. "But what about when it dries and goes... you know... crazy?"

"That's what a blow drier is for." I said as I opened another drawer and pulled out my blow drier. "Face me." I plugged it in and Nolen faced my way. I turned it on and I saw Nolen nearly jump. First of all, it was super loud and second, it was facing his way and it was hot. "Sorry!" I yelled over the noise. I started running my fingers through Nolen's hair and drying it. It wasn't going super curly, just kind of swoop-y. Like Justin Bieber's hair except cuter. I flicked the blow drier off and told Nolen to turn around.

"You're a miracle worker. How did you do that?" He replied.

I laughed. "Honestly, I didn't think your hair would come out that good, no offence." I admitted. "But it looks really good." I paused. "We just have to do something with those clothes."

Nolen crossed his arms. "What's wrong with my clothes? I like my clothes."

"Sorry, but, uh, they're tacky." I mumbled. "Do you have money for new clothes?"

"No." He answered. "Honest, I'm broke."

I sighed. "So the hair was a waste?"

"No." Nolen repeated. "I just can't afford new clothes."

"That's OK." I sighed. "I guess we can wait to fix your wardrobe."

He nodded. "What do we do now?"

I thought for a minute. "I guess you can just hang out. You know, if you want."

"I'd love to hang out. I've never had any friends before so this is great." Nolen replied.

I giggled. "OK. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"What movie?" Nolen asked.

"Super 8?" I suggested.

Nolen gasped. "I love that movie! I saw it three times in theaters!"

"I saw it four times! Ha!" I yelled. "Come on, I just got it on DVD." I led Nolen downstairs and had him sit on the couch. I popped the movie in and sat next to him.

The movie ended a few hours later and I turned to Nolen. "I saw you jump... twice!"

He laughed. "Sorry."

"It's fine. It was just kind of funny." I smiled and looked into Nolen's eyes. "I still can't get over your hair cut. You look so..."

"What?" He asked.

I swallowed. "Hot."

"I do?" Nolen raised his eye brows. "I do? I, Nolen Richards, look hot?"

I nodded. "You hear me. You look hot!"

Nolen looked down. He was blushing. "Well, your very pretty, Paige."

"Your just saying that." I muttered.

"No, really. From the moment I saw you on the last day of school, that's been my thought." Nolen replied.

I bit my lip. "Oh, well, thank you."

"I should go." Nolen stood up. "Thanks for the hair cut and for the boost in my confidence."

I laughed. "Thanks for coming over."

Nolen got really close to me for a moment. He stared into my eyes. I had a feeling he was going to kiss me. A very strong feeling. But no. Nolen just smiled and pulled away awkwardly. "Bye." He called as he ran out the door.

Oh my god, am I falling for him? I thought to myself. Am I? No, I can't be. But he's so cute now. Snap out of it, Paige! This is strictly business.

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