From Nerd to Hottie (7)

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A few days went by and Nolen started getting close with a few of his admirers- especially with Amaya George. They had nearly every class together and were almost inseparable. Too bad all of Amaya's friends were backstabbing bitches.

I knew Amaya was only flirting with Nolen because he was good arm candy. She didn't care that he was smart. She only cared that he looked good and was popular.

It was two weeks since the first day of school and Amaya was absent. I finally had the opportunity to talk to Nolen about Amaya.

"Hey, Nolen, can I talk to you?" I asked, sitting down at our usual lunch table. There were a few girls surrounding Nolen so at the end I added, "Alone?"

Nolen got up with his lunch tray in hand and followed me outside.

We sat under a beautiful, tall tree for a few moments in silence, then I talked.

"So, about Amaya, you two seem like your getting close?" I said as more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah." Nolen nodded, almost unsure at first. "We're becoming good friends."

I agreed. "You guys are. But do you really trust her? I mean, she's been caught cheating on her last three boyfriends."

"Who said I wanted to become her boyfriend?" Nolen shot back. All of a sudden he was super defensive. "I never even said I liked her!"

I backed off a bit. "OK, OK. My bad."

There was a short silence, then I continued.

"So... Do you like her?" I asked quietly.

Nolen sighed. "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

My heart started racing. "Yeah, I promise I won't tell."

Nolen smirked. "No, I don't like her."

"You asshole!" I yelled angrily but also laughing a bit.

He laughed too. "Listen, I'm only being nice to her because I know she likes me. I just don't want to hurt her feelings. I've been in her shoes and I've been rejected so much before. I just can't to that to someone." Nolen paused. "Besides, I think I like someone else."

"You need to be honest with her though. You can't lead her on." I fought. "And who is this someone else?"

"It's no one." Nolen shrugged. "But if she tries to make a move, I'll just tell her I want to be friends. It's as simple as that."

I wanted to shout No, it's not as simple as that! It's much more complicated than that! You don't know what goes through a girl's mind when a boy says stuff like that! But I didn't. I didn't want to start an argument- not today. Plus, I didn't want to make him mad if I was ever going to ask again about this other person he might like.


After school, I told Stacie everything Nolen had told me at lunch. She was now my best friend and we trusted each other a lot.

"He's going to fall in love with her eventually." Stacie predicted. "He was probably just lying about liking some other girl so you'd back off."

I stared at the ground. "Yeah, maybe. Or he really does like someone else. There's tons of girls at this school falling head over heels in love with him."

"One of them being you." Stacie mumbled.

"What?" I grinned, a little embarrassed.

Stacie shook her head. "Nothing." She changed the subject. "But, hey, listen, I bet we could get it out of him. You know, figure out who he likes. It might take a while but I have a plan."

"What exactly is this plan of yours?" I asked.

"We must observe him. Some days we don't even eat lunch with him so we can just observe him and how he acts around other girls. We watch him in class and after school. It's really easy to figure out things about people by just observing them." Stacie explained.

I sighed. "I guess it's worth a shot."

Stacie gave me a high five. " Then it's on!"

From Nerd to HottieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang