From Nerd to Hottie (10)

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Stacie and Nolen walked hand-in-hand in front of Justin and I one Tuesday after school. The two of them were giggling and kissing each other on the cheek while Justin and I talked about some boring homework assignment.

To be honest, I was starting to like Justin. He was a nice looking guy with a decent personality. I still had a crush on Nolen but if Justin asked me out I couldn't say no. He was... perfect.

When we got to mine and Stacie's lockers, Stacie tapped my arm. "Paige! Oh my gosh! In 8th period, I was talking to this girl, Fiona, who's best friends with Jamie Walters- You know him, right?- and she said that he said he's having a party on Friday night. We should definately go!"

"Did Fiona tell you this or did she invite you to the party?" I asked before getting too excited.

"No, no! Fiona invited me. She said I could bring some friends. So I'm asking you, Nolen, and Justin to go with me." Stacie replied.

I looked at Justin. "What do you say? Wanna go with me?"

"It depends." Justin said. "Can we call it a date?"

I laughed. "It's a caual high school party why would it be a date?"

Justin smiled and my heart melted. "Well, can I take you on a date some other time then?"

"Are you asking me out?" I let out a little giggle. I felt my cheeks getting warm and there were butterflies in my stomach.

Justin blushed. "It depends, is your answer yes?"

"It's a yes." I answer.

"Then, yes, I was asking you out." He leaned against the locker next to mine.

I smiled. "Cool." I slammed my locker shut and turned to Stacie. "We'll go with you."

"Awesome." She said flatly. "Your in too, right babe?" She asked Nolen.

Nolen nodded. "Sure." He was quiet for some reason. His eyes were stuck on Justin and I.

Justin noticed Nolen staring at us so he put his arm around my waist and got closer to me.

Two seconds later, Nolen did the same with Stacie.

"So, I'll pick you all up at, like 6, or something. I don't know, we'll see I guess!" Stacie added.

"Sounds like a plan." I agreed.

Nolen rolled his eyes at me and said in the most sarcastic tone ever, "Can't wait."

From Nerd to HottieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang