PROLOGUE- Blue Is Not Your Colour Doll

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it all started when my most loving parents decided it was time for me to move out of the house...

"SWEETIE" my mom yelled through the house probably alerting all of London.

"YES MUM" i yelled back just as loud, if not louder, than her. as you can probably tell, i get my loudness from her.

"CAN YOU COME HER PLEASE, YOUR FATHER AND I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU." she continued sounding a little bit distracted. I quickly put on my Minnie mouse house slippers because i didn't want to get a cold and ran downstairs to see my mum and dad sitting on the couch giggling to each other while drinking glasses of Chardonnay

"Mom, Dad. you wanted to talk to me?"

"oh right honey" my mom said looking at me while offering a glass of chardonnay

"great news sweet heart" my dad exclaimed while looking at me with the gray eyes that ran in the family, that I inherited, but mine are darker.

" what is it" i asked excitedly as i took a big gulp of the wine

"YOUR MOVING OUT!!" they shouted together causing me to choke on the liquid in me mouth

"I'm sorry. what? am i moving in with granddad in Russia?" i questioned as I started getting excited to see my grand father

"well.... no"

"oh so Nan in Italy?" i questioned again


"america you just want me far away don't you"

"well yes we already paid for an apartment for you" she shouted with a huge grin on her face

"but.. mom"

"get packed sweetie you leave in two hours"

after all that maybe my question should have been "i wonder if its gonna be great in america" or "i hope i fit in," but after all what my mom said my only question was: did my mom seriously dye her hair blue?

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