6- Pregnant Bulimic Girls Know How To Party

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"hey. Sam wants to talk to you " Bianca said after barging into my office without knocking.
" is that how you enter anyone's office? I could have been naked for all you knew. " I scolded removing the hair tie out of my straightened hair and applying a burgundy lip stick just to annoy Bianca. Knowing her she probably thinks it's for Samuel. She started working here as Samuel's assistant two days after the meeting and he is yet to propose to her. He is probably going to do it when I'm in the room, that butternut squash.
" it's matte. Makes it harder to get off " I purred to her getting up and pulling my skirt up a tad to make it shorter.
" of course. Oh and when you go in their tell him that I'm buying the condoms," she smirked victoriously which I easily returned.
" oh buy the extra small ones. He's not that gifted in that area, trust me i should know, but you know it's his personality that counts " I strutted out of my office and sauntered into his without knocking.
" you cal- OH MY UM.... SORRY " I quickly turned around after coming face-to-face with Samuel masturbating.
" your getting ready for Bianca huh. She did say she was buying condoms" I said in a seductive voice that used to turn him on when we were together. He groaned. Yup I still got it. I smirked to myself and looked over my shoulder giving him my puppy eyes. " you done?"
" yup " he said zipping his pants up.
" here you go" I gave him a wipe
"you wanted to talk to me? "
I sat down on his desk, leaning down to straighten his tie, give full view of my boobs.
" y-yup. We are hosting a charity event and I would like you to organize the whole thing including venue, tickets, charity, my speech etc. " he said sitting back causing me to lean a tad more because his tie refused to be fixed.
" umm. OK I guess I co-" I got interrupted
"Samuel baby, I got the condoms" Bianca said looking into a bag and pulling out a pack of condoms. She looked up then screeched. What she saw was me sitting on Samuel's lap because when she came in Samuel jumped causing the table to shift and me to accidentally sit on his lap at the sound of her voice. She also saw my black bra because Samuel's hand accidentally pulled down my blouse. She also saw Samuel's semi hard dick poking out of his pants from his previous masturbating session as well as a mysterious white fluid on his black desk which made it stand out.
"well this is a sticky situation" I said.


I peeped over my laptop, looking through my door and stifling a giggle at the sight before me. In the middle of the hallway were Samuel getting yelled at by Bianca. He glanced around looking bored out of his mind. He saw me looking at them then smirked.

what is he up to?

He said something to Bianca making her face go a hideous shade of red. You know the color of your pad on the first day of your period? You know what I mean ladies!! Any who, after Samuel said whatever he had, Bianca raised her hand to slap him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him and kissed her. During their kiss Samuel looked over her shoulder,winked at me and grasped her bum. She, of course, moaned dramatically while I found it very hard to keep the chicken sandwich i had for lunch, from coming out of my throat to explore the world as well as my coincidentally cream carpet on the floor in my office.


For the rest of the day I stayed inside my office until Edward came for me and drove me home. If you haven't figured it out yet, he lives in my apartment with me. As soon as I stepped into the apartment I threw up. half of it in my hand because i tried to keep it in to reach the bathroom but I didn't . Edward made sure that i was done then led me to the couch, casually stepping over my puddle of... food? Because he studied first aid for years he started to examine me, while i tried to keep more vomit down because the scent was rising.

"Sweetie... you have a stomach bug." Edward whispered in my ear as I was dozing off. I groaned.

"the good news is that you can take sick days from work" Edward said trying to cheer me up . As soon as those words left his mouth, my phone rang. He answered it while i made myself more comfortable on the couch.

" Hello..... yes it's me... she can't she's si.......but..........OK fine" Edward hung up the phone with a huff. "Samuel said that if you don't go over to Mr. West's workplace now he'll fire you." Edward whispered to me. I got off the couch and waddled to the bathroom. i washed my face and brushed my teeth. I straightened my clothes and walked out the door yelling bye to Edward. I hopped in a cab then asked him to drive me to Mr. West's company. I didn't want to drive. This better be good.


" Come in" Mr. West said once I basically imagined his door as bongos and started pounding on it.

" You needed to see me?" I asked then sat on the chair in front of his desk.

"Yes. How do you feel about going out with me?" He calmly asked ruffling his hair and semi-smirking. Must be a guy thing. He chose the wrong day to ask that question because not two seconds later, when i opened my mouth to curse the hair off his head and call him cailluo, a ton load a puke came out of my mouth (I felt like like the girl in pitch perfect) and splashed on his very expensive wooden desk, splashing him in the process.

"That was not the reaction I expected" He mumbled and came around the table with his garbage bin for me to puke more in. I am so so so so very sorry." I said once I finished puking like a bulimic pregnant lady, after going to an all you can eat buffet.

" It's OK... I just wanted somebody to go with me to my family reunion in a week. No biggy" He replied. Did he seriously just say no biggy? His face turned to realization. " I have a little sister..." He said sheepishly after wiping my face off with a wet wipe. Well he reminds me of a mom. He also gave me a stick of gum which i started chewing immediately.

" No offence Mr. West but I don't even know yo-"

"Christian" the bugger bloody interrupted me.

" Wha-"

"My first name is Christian" he interrupted me again.

" Ya. OK Chelsea if you want me to 'date' you, you have to stop interrupting me- and yes I know your name." He just sighed then sat down after resting the garbage bin beside me, expertly ignoring the scent of vomit. He pressed an intercom the told someone to clean his office. He got up and grabbed my hand. I opened my mouth to protest but the gum fell out. Oh well, it was beginning to turn fresh anyways. He took me to his car and we drove off.

"so.. where are we going?" I asked him

"to lunch." He said, pulling up to the curb of a cute coffee shop.

He looked on me then laughed.

"what?" i asked

"There is gum in your hair!!" He said chuckling more. I said and pulled out as much of the apparently extra stringy gum out of my hair as possible. Ugh. Life hates me with a capital H.

"How may I help you?" a familiar voice asked once we reached the counter. I peeped over Christian's shoulder, now Chelsea , and saw her.

"Stephanie?" I questioned stepping in front of Chelsea. I gave him a weird nick name.

"Evie? I thought you were dead!!" she whispered just loud enough for Chelsea and I to hear.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Stuffie but I promise you I am anything but." I smirked mischievously.


Action starts in the second chapter after this... hope you liked it. I kind of struggled with this a bit cause i knew where i wanted to reach in my story but i did not now how to get there. so i hope you liked it.

Ignore the pic i changed the cast for christian but the picture is not changing..... current christian west will be in next chapter

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