2- I Don't Care What Anyone Says, Lions Are Hot.

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I adjusted my black and red polka-dot head band I found through the trash in my car, which held back my lion's mane . My curly, frizzy, bangs came so close to my eyes that it covered the oozing pimple between my eyebrows. I walked as quickly as I could, with my head done, to the elevator. I pressed the floor number then prayed to all things holy that Samuel would not be at work today seeing as we work on the same floor. The elevator stopped and I was about to step out but the worst thing in history happened. The red Sea, pun intended, decide to divert from its path, to between my legs. I changed directions to the bathroom thanking God that I always have a tampon in my bag.
After fixing myself I took a few calming breaths.
"OK Evie, you can do this. You've had worse days. Just calm down"
I washed my hands then came out of the bathroom in confident strides.
"hey loren" I said to my assistant, going into my half of the floor.
"Ev, Samuel is asking to see you"
Loren chirped, with suggestive eyebrows(what?) probably believing that we were still together. Loren wasn't at the party because she was busy taking care of her newborn son and she was the only person I trusted to tell about Samuel and I's relationship.
"it didn't work out but thanks Loren. " I said while placing my bag on my desk and about to make my way to his office.
"oh pooh. I'm sorry hun" she whispered.
"it's fine" I said, took a breath and pushed open Samuel's office door.
"you wanted to see me Mr. Spence. " I said in the most formal voice I could while looking, emotionless, at the happy couple' aka Bianca straddling Samuel, hiding her face in his neck as she blushes uncontrollably.
" yes, your late" he slowly said as Bianca started kissing and nibbling his neck.
"had to take care of a few things. Is that all sir. " I whispered as I saw Bianca getting close to the things I once claimed as mine. His lips.
"no. Do me a favor. Come back in my office in an hour... It's important. " he said a little breathy as I saw Bianca kissing his jaw and her hand suddenly disappear into his pants.
"yes sir " I whispered and just about ran out of the office when Samuel let out a pleasured and almost frustrated groan.

My eyes filled up with tears as I ran to my office not stopping when Loren called my name. I locked the door to my office and sank to the floor, holding my head in my hands then resting it on my knees.
"pull yourself together" I scolded myself as my tears subsided and hiccups were left in there place. I looked on the clock and saw half an hour paced so I busied myself until the time was up. I took another breath and pushed Samuels door open to see him alone, thank God, and hard at work. He paused
"Ms. Urdinov, can you do me a favor. Based on your personal opinion of course." he said in a no nonsense voice. Not an inch of the man I loved was shown in his eyes. And imagine not even a sorry for cheating on you through our entire relationship. Right to business as always.
"I guess" I said hesitantly, a little self conscious considering the emotionless way in which he was looking at me.
"I would like you to pick out an engagement ring for Bianca. That you find appealing of course. After all you have great taste. "
"W-W-What?? " I whispered
" don't you get it! I'm gonna ask the love of my life to marry me!!"
Looky at that. It does get worse

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