Everything is Great

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September 14th, 2015

It's a month into your Sophomore year and you feel great. Your friends are great, the weather is great, and the back to school clothes you picked out are great!

Everything is great...

"Eww is that a pig I see at our table?" A girl says.

You turn to look at that table behind you. The popular table. The voice you just heard was Zoella queen of the popular girls. She is with her posse, Genesis, Aurora, Sky, and Scarlette. They are at it again, bulldozing Naomi's self esteem. You turn your head back around and proceed to eat your lunch but you and you friends can't help but take 2nd glances back at the situation.

Genesis Gasps. "I think it is, Zoe Zoe," She says.

"Oh I'm sorry my mistake wrong table," Naomi says in a meek tone as she scurries to her table which is the next one over.

"More like your parent's mistake," Zoella spits.

"Good one, Zoe Zoe," Aurora congratulates Zoella.

"Yeah good one," Sky says as Scarlette high fives Zoella.

"Thanks girls," Zoella says. The girls take their seats at their lunch table.

"Umm, What are you guy's looking at!?" Genesis asks you and your friends when she notices you guys were watching.

You all murmur your denials of ever looking and turn your heads back to your cafeteria lunches. You all are silent and the air is suddenly tense for the rest of lunch. But remember everything is going great right? Everything is great.

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