If Only

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October 17th, 2015

"Dear Family,

I'm sorry to whoever finds this first. To whichever one of my family members that is reading this know I love you. You may have not known about my problem so I'm going to explain now. First off it was never any of your guy's fault. I have been getting bullied at school since freshman year. Obviously I couldn't take another year. I have just felt as if no one wanted me around or needed me around. When you get told stuff like you're worthless, ugly, fat, you're a waste of space; you start to believe it. I tried to just take it and stay strong but there's just so much pushing you can take until you just fall over the edge.

To the girls that bullied me congrats you won. I won't be around anymore to ruin your day with my presence. I hope you're very happy. I hope everyone can be happy now. I'm sorry if my depression brought down anyone's happy vibes now the problem is gone and fixed.

Why am I even writing this note. NO ONE CARES! They all laughed at me at the party, no one helped me when I was being beat up, for heavens sake no one spoke up for me during the cake accident. Me writing this note is just a waste of time kinda like my life.

Farewell to all I hope you're satisfied. I love all of my family thank you for being the only ones who returned the affection. Thanks to my parents for giving me life. It may not have been the longest or the best but thanks anyway. Goodbye forever. I'll really miss you guys. I hate I have to do this but I feel trapped and I don't have another way out.

-Naomi," Naomi's mother reads while sobbing at the alter.

You cry while you sit in a pew. You knew Naomi was struggling but not this much. Not to the point that she would take her own life. All this time and you could have done something. She would be at school Monday if you just would have spoke up. You just watched though and now you must watch her body be lowered 6ft into the ground. This didn't have to happen if only you would have spoke up. So many everyday chances just past up. For what? For this?

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