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September 25th, 2015

You sit in Chemistry class. There's one minute till class is out and the passing period begins.

*The Bell Rings*

You walk out of class into the hallway full of hustle and bustle along with your best friend to meet up with your other friends. You and your friends walk, talk, and laugh down the hallway as usual when all of a sudden you hear a piercing screech. The whole herd of high school students walking in the hallway stop. Every one makes way for the situation playing out in front of them.

In the middle of the hallway you see Zoella with cake smeared all over her. Naomi has frosting on her fingers and fear on her face.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!" Zoella screams in the silent hallway.

"It it it was an accident. Th that was my home-ec project. I'm sor-" Naomi begins

"Save it! I don't even know what God was thinking when he put you on this planet! YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION!!!" She yells.

"I didn't mean-," Naomi snivels. You see the tears in the corners of her eyes that are on the verge of falling.

"Just shut up and get out of my face!" Zoella shouts.

You watch as Naomi runs away down the hall in tears. She disappears down the stairwell. Your Chemistry teacher marches out of her class room and into the hallway. She shoves her way through the crowd and her jaw drops when she see Zoella smothered in cake.

"Someone tell me what in the world is going on here!" Ms.Quallo demands.

"Naomi Parker threw this cake all over my new clothes on purpose!" Zoella explains. You know quite well this isn't the case and Zoella is lying.

"Is this true?" Ms.Quallo asks the silent crowd of kids. Everyone simultaneously nods except you. You begin to open your mouth ready to spill the truth but you abruptly shut it as Zoella glares at you.

"Well in that case Zoella come with me so we can get you cleaned up and let's go find Miss.Parker," Ms.Quallo says, "for the rest of you, you better get to class now before you're late!"

You, your friends, and everyone else in the hallway walks away to class. The chatter of everyone continues and everyone goes about their business as if nothing happened.

Naomi is sentenced to 2 lunch detentions for something she knew she didn't do and something you knew she didn't do.

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