Our Girl Is Home (1/2)

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-Mike's Pov-
It was late. She wanted to spend more time with my mother whom she called Nana. Alyssa was asleep on her side as I stayed up waiting for Anna.
"Hey!!" I whispered smiling hugging our daughter, "Have you eaten yet?"
"No." She says, "Where's momma?"
"She's asleep. I got a small surprise for you though from me momma and someone very special." I say.
"Ok" She says following me into the kitchen. I gave her the Mac n cheese Aly and I made her
"Yeah mom." I whisper around the corner, "Yes ma'am. Thanks mom."
"It was fun Michael." She says when I felt silly.
"Mike." I politely corrected her, "Goodbye."
"Bye son." She says and left. I walked back into the kitchen to check on Annabeth.
"After this I wanna go to bed." She says.
"Ok." I say smiling chuckling, "Wanna save the rest?"
"Yeah!" She exclaims, "So I can share it with momma at lunchtime."
"Okay. That's sweet." I say covering it with tin foil like Aly would and let Annabeth go clean up for bedtime. I went back to her room to give her a goodnight kiss and hug.
"I love you daddy." She says making me smile.
Although after what I did I don't feel like I earned that title yet really. I got up walking to the doorway when her little voice stopped me.
"Daddy can you stay with me till I fall asleep?" Anna asked.
"Sure. Sure." I say smiling. I laid on top of the covers beside her when she snuggled against me her arm across my waist my hand resting on hers when she softly smiled up at me. I turned my head so that hers was in the space below my chin. Her face was against my neck, something I became accustomed to before Annabeth was even a sparkle in her mother's eye.
"Daddy?" She asks.
"Yes love?" I say shifting.
"How much do you love mommy?" She asked.
"Bunches and bunches." I say leaning forward to keep from falling off Anna's little twin bed, "And I love you to the moon and back because you're my rascal. Right?"
"Right!" She says smiling. She yawned coming closer and I smiled closing my eyes too as she rested her tiny head on my stomach as she fell asleep.

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