He Loves You Anna..No Matter What

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-Mikes Pov -
I smiled glad she had waited for me to see her open the gifts I got her when I got up to go change clothes as Anna put up her new things in her room. Once I got done changing I passed by our daughters room hearing my wife talking to Annabeth. I stopped by her door listening.
"Sweetie whats wrong?" My wife asked, "Why are you crying darling?"
Annabeth sniffled loudly.
"Daddy.." She said and I listened harder now.
"What about him?" My wife asked.
"I..I feel like hes ignoring me..." She cryed when my throat tightened.
What am I doing to ignore her?
"How?" My wife asked.
"The baby..." She said.
"Oh babie...." My wife said tenderly, "Hes not ignoring you. He loves you more than you know Annabeth and no matter what he loves you both the same."
I left unable to listen to anymore of it. I closed the bedroom door leaning with my hands against it my face tilted down when I sighed going to my side of the bed sitting down with my elbows on my knees holding my head in my hands bent over.
"What am I doing wrong???" I say letting tears I didnt know I was hoding back fall, "What am I doing wrong???"
I sighed again and gave in being blinded again by my emotions I began to grab my things from my closet and stuff them into a duffle bag.

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