We'll Get Through This Together..

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-Aly's pov -
I was watching our baby in his little closed off bed in my room when I saw his temperature dropped. I started to panic as Dr's and nurses came in to take him away from me.
"They took him away from me!!" I cryed as Mike jogged through the doorway, "They took my baby away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I sat on the edge of her bed.
"Settle down..." He said.
"They took my baby!!!!!!" They took my baby!!!!!!" I said tears streaming, "They took him away!!!!"
"He's gonna be okay." Mike assured me, "He's gonna be ok."
Then Dr. Kelly Brackett came back a grim look on his face.
"May I speak to you outside?" Kel said.
"Okay. I'll be right back ok Honey?" Mike says to me.
I watched him walk out of my room.

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