Late B-Day Celebration (2/2)

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-Aly's pov-
I woke up Annabeth snuggled into me.
"Hey honey." I say smiling when she looked up.
"Good morning mommy." She says with a smile brightening my day.
"Where's daddy?" I ask.
"Work." She says sitting up beside me.
"Oh." I say, "Want to open some presents?"
"Yeah!!Yeah!!!Yeah!!!" She says getting down jumping up and down as I got up.
"Then let's go rascal!" I say playfully tagging her and she giggled racing me to the den where I had put everything.
"Sit on the floor eyes closed, and very still for mommy ok?"
I turned and whistled for her puppy. He came bounding in and jumped all over her loving on her when Anna opened her eyes in excitement.
"That's from me and daddy." I say, "A man daddy works with has two and the doggy stork brought this one to daddy one day. This is a special friend."
"Why?" She asks holding him, "I'll name him spots."
"He's a firehouse dog Anna. Take good care of him." I say smiling, "That's a cute name."
I smiled when she saw the gifts from Mike.
"Can we wait to open these when daddy gets home?" Anna asked.
I looked at her holding my breath. Most children don't care if they are there when they open them as long as they get to open them, so that was new to me till I realized what happened that year on my birthday when I was pregnant with her, I waited to open all of Mike's gifts once he got home and I smiled messing with her hair playfully. "Yeah." I say sitting beside her. "I have something else for you Anna."
She perked up again.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Actually who." I say smiling.
"I'm going to be a big sister??!!!" She says.
"Yeah." I say when she smiled.
"I'll love him or her this much!!!" She exclaims spreading her arms as wide as they could go, something I did as a child when my mother gave me siblings as a girl.
"And she'll love you back babie." I say as she hugged me. An hour later Mike came home.
"Daddy!!!" Anna said in the kitchen putting Spots in his crate so he could sleep as she took a peek around the kitchen corner to see who had came into the house. Soot dirt and grime spotted his face when he leaned forward his forehead to mine.
"Glad your home." I whispered biting my lower lip slightly.
"What's the matter Honey?" He asked.
"I was so afraid something happened to you." I said when Mike slightly smiled seeing the baby bump was beginning to slightly show.
"Not that easy."  He teased, once I got closer he had his hand on my stomach, "Hey little guy, were you behavin' for momma while I was gone??"
I felt a small kick and smiled proudly as the baby was dancing with joy when Mike smiled.
"Mommy, Daddy can I open the rest of my presents?" Anna said sitting on the floor holding a gift with her back to us sniffling.
"What is it Sweetheart?" Mike said kneeling down beside her.
"Can I open my gifts?" She says holding it for him to see.
"Sure." He said looking back at me worried.

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