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   The café entrance door opened wide, ringing the windchime decoratively hung inside. "Oh my-my", Calum muttered, surprisingly not drooling, "Look at that babe." The group of boys turned their heads your way, except one.
   "Where is she?", he confusingly moved his head in all directions possible. As you passed by their table, he turned towards the smell of your cheap fragrant perfume that pierced his nostrils, yet completely mesmerising him. 

   "Regular, please", you said tapping your fingers impatiently on the grey counter. You often stopped by here to get your dose of caffeine, and this morning was no different. As you waited, you looked over your shoulder to see a guy with sunglasses on top of his curly head staring at you with his hazel but sadly empty eyes. It was just him - the others were trying to ignore the slightly awkward situation by staring down their cups. You furrowed your eyebrows, curiously looking at them but you were shortly interrupted.

   "Here you go, y/n", the chirpy employee got your attention and handed you your cup. "Thanks Joe", you politely say and dash across the place to find your spot to sit.
   In the meanwhile, Michael nudged Ashton, "Stop that, she saw you." You got annoyed since you couldn't help but overhearing their whispers and started walking towards them.
   "Oh great, too late, she's coming...", he sighs. 

   "Problem, boys?", you sassily question them, arching your eyebrow like one of those scary teachers that everyone hates.

   Luke choked on his coffee and murmured, "Nah, no, no problem at all." He was obviously the Mr. Nice, or at least the momma's boy here, judging by how quickly and weirdly polite he responded trying to avoid any sort of argument. Being the complete opposite, you snicker pointing with your thumb, "Then why is he staring at me?"
   They all look down faking a cough. It was that very moment that you felt your heart drop to the floor. Something was telling you, you should not have said that. God know what mistake you've done playing tough.

   "I can't see you, love", he bends a little to show you the white cane he laid under the table.
   "Oh", you were at a loss for words. Great. Today - out of all days in your lifetime - you've decided to be brave and on top of that, you ended up indirectly insulting a blind guy. The following 10 second silence seemed so endless.

   "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable", he giggled joyfully, "However, I would like to hear more from you, you've got a sweet voice."
   You scrunched your nose because he caught you off guard. There was a tornado of thoughts rushing through your mind. He was a complete (but cute) stranger. Then again, you do need to somehow apologise. Thinking all that made you realise you didn't even say sorry, and he did.
    "Y-yeah, uh...", you stuttered still feeling bad, "Yeah, wait."
    You quickly hopped over and borrowed a pen from the counter, writing your number on a napkin that you would pass to the 'nice' one.  You had, 'What am I doing', written all over your face while doing that but you felt the need to do it.
   "Umm", you started off and the blind boy smiled, not hesitating to introduce himself, "Ashton." "Right, Ashton", you couldn't help but smile at his kind soul,  "I gave my number to your mate here if you want to catch up sometime."
   His thick accent gave you a "thank you" letting you get back to your coffee.

   You turned around, scrunching up your face and closing your eyes tightly trying not to smile either creepily or awkwardly. What else was a proper reaction to this kind of situation? You pulled yourself together and went to find another seat.  

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