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     You spent the afternoon talking with Ashton and messing around. He was a real ball of sunshine to have around. You carried the cup of fruit tea you made for him while moving to the music on the radio. 

     "What's going on?", Ash asks giggly.

     "I'm just dancing around like an idiot with your tea", you chuckled giving him a peck on the lips as you put the cup on the coffee table. 

     "I'd make a toast to 8 long months, but you didn't make tea for yourself", he commented.

      "I don't need a cup, do it and I'll give you a high five", you joked around.

      He giggled, then shortly stated, "Here's to the eight and many more to come." He raised his hand and you slapped a loud high-five then you both laughed. 

      "How many", you teased.

      "How many would you like?", he raised his eyebrow.

      "I'd like an infinity", you confidently said as you took over his lap. You put a hand on his knee first, warning him that you're about to invade. He moved his arm aside still holding the cup as you snuggled in.

       "That is many years indeed"; he said thoughtfully. Ashton paused then continued fastly as if he had a sugar rush, "Okaybutareyou suuuure?"

        Once you registered his question, you couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. The arm that you had around his neck, you used to pull him in. You kissed every part of his cheek painstakingly slow until you reached his lips that intertwined with yours. The warmth of the kiss made your heart skip a beat. When you finally unglued, you answered, "Well... I don't know. What do you think?"

      His eyebrows arched, obviously challenged by your smooch. "I'd like to think of this", he kissed you once more, "as yes." 

       You messed up his hair ruffling it, poking fun while you admired him. "My pretty little boy", you whispered, barely audibly. The sound of a singing radio filled the air around you and you heard the shy breaths that he took. You couldn't get enough of his gorgeous features, but you snapped yourself out of the thoughts while you stared. You shook your head and quickly changed the topic to the first thing you saw. You eyes wandered off to the tea he was holding, "Isn't your arm tired?"

     "Of holding you? Never", he proudly stated.

      "I meant of holding the cup, you barely took any sips", you noted. 

      He shrugged, "My wrist may or may not be failing me, but I'm good, it's not hot anymore." You rolled your eyes tapping his fingers that were hugging the lukewarm cup and decided to put it on the coffee table for him. You knew he wasn't going to finish the drink anyway. 

    "Ah, thanks", he uttered as he curled his wrist in an attempt to make it just a little less numb.You nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck and he embraced your waist tightly. You got distracted by the time you glanced on your shiny wrist watch. Your friend had a birthday party coming up tonight and you were nowhere near ready.

      "Babe, I've got to get going, it's getting late and I don't wanna break my ass on the ice", you joked.

       He pouted, "N'awh, okay, promise you'll see me again?" 

      You chuckled after you got up, grabbing your jacket. "I promise", you give him a nice kiss before leaving. 

      "One more", he mumbled and you gave him a peck.

      "Another one, please", he repeated and you kissed him passionately.

       "I'd love to stay and kiss you all day long but I really have to go", you spoke hurriedly, before dashing out in the cold streets. The sound of the door closing left Ashton alone with the music softly playing on the radio. He leaned back in  his armchair as a smile ghosted his lips at the thought of you. He was humming along to the tunes, even though he didn't know the song. When you were out, the forgotten phone you left was buzzing on the coffee table. Ashton touched around trying to feel what it was that was making horrendous noise and shaking the coffee table. When he felt the shape of the phone, he sighed realising it's yours.  

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