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   "Well", Michael exclaimed loudly, "that was awkward."
    Ashton furrowed his eyebrows at the statement, "No, it wasn't. She was pretty nice." Calum chewed on a small biscuit he got, "You know mate, she's got pretty nice legs, too." Michael sniggered affirmatively and Luke kept silent.

   "Where is she sitting now?", Ashton asks and the three exchange puzzled looks.
   "Umm, 6 o'clock. Why?"
    Ashton got up without thinking, taking the cane with him in that direction as voices called out for him, "Dude, where are you going?!"

    You saw him get closer and jumped up grabbing his elbow, "Here." He smiled at your helping hand, "Thanks", and he sat down where you led him. You took over your seat right across from him, instinctively fixing your y/c/n hair forgetting he can't see you.
   "What's your name?", he asks curiously.
   "Y/n", you say and he repeats your name after you. To be honest, it did sound somehow sweeter coming from his mouth. You watched his lips move and the edges spread into a heartwarming smile. "Can you come over tonight?", he asks, leaving you baffled. "I know that you don't know me, but I'd still be happy if you came over. I can't do much outside. If I could - believe me - I'd take you out the way you deserve."
    Your cheeks felt hot, as if all your blood decided to flow straight up and flush them red. Boys just weren't your thing - not because you didn't like them, but because you gave up on them. So far, each was a hopeless crush or just nothing more than a fuckboy. This was very puzzling to you since you didn't know how to respond. All the sudden attention had you feeling a sea of emotions, but you weren't sure which ones were right.
    "How would you know what I deserve? You literally just met me", you uttered and immediately regretted overanalysing his words. You had a tendency for doing that, and usually it led to nothing good.
   Ashton's smile was still frozen on his gentle face. He finally spoke up, "Your attitude told me more than enough about you." You were about to ask him what that is supposed to mean, but he was fast to interrupt the unspoken question, "So, I would like to treat you to a change."
   You were playing with the spoon in your coffee, actually considering his offer. It was his choice of words that you found rather tempting. He wasn't entirely wrong, you could use some changes. Life was getting boring lately with the same routines.
   During that time, the three of his friends carefully watched him wanting to know what he's talking about. You ignore them making a decision on the spot, "Yeah, sure, Ashton. Gotta start somewhere, eh?"
   He giggled, nervously scratching his right temple for a few seconds. "I, uh", he mumbled, "I honestly didn't expect you saying yes, but I'm glad you did."
  You shot a threatening glare over to the curious faces and returned a smile to Ashton, "So am I."

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