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     You have been seeing Ashton for a month now, but it still wasn't enough for his best friends. Their suspicious faces judged at Calum's house. The disapproval was strong and alive.

     "Well, it IS 4 months...", Luke mumbled.
      Michael started waving his arms around, clearly not wanting to hear it, "Who gives a damn, remember that last chick?" 

      They all make a disgusted grimace at the bitter memory of an obviously heartless girl who stole of Ashton's valuable stuff and they never saw her again. Unfortunately for him, it happened after ten days only. One would think she would at least wait a little longer.

     "Guys, I don't know", Calum scratched his nose, scrunching is face up thoughtfully. 

      Luke vigorously stood up, "You know what? I don't know why we're having this meeting. Sure, we want to protect our freaking blind mate, but this doesn't feel alright. Maybe because it's finally the girl right for him?" He titled his head marking the end of the monologue with arms wide open. He let them fall, slapping his hips loudly, then sat back down in the leather armchair. His breath was unsteady as this inevitably upset him.

      Calum and Michael guiltily stared down before their feet, hesitantly agreeing with Luke. "I guess we can't have him on a leash forever", Michael joked, but in all honesty they were still worried.

     "Guys, I feel bad, we should tell him we're having doubts", Luke said dialling Ashton's number.

     Michael quickly grabbed his hand and glared deadly in his eyes before speaking with the most terrifying whisper, "You just destroyed my last grain of hope. Congratulations dipshit, I knew you'd suggest the worst fucking idea ever." Luke couldn't utter a word as if he turned to stone. After a few intense moments, he finally added, "But, he probably knows anyway."

     Calum slowly nodded not lifting up his face, "I think you may be right. He's not blind to that."

    Michael unwillingly let go of Luke's fist and let him dial. At that time, Ashton dug his hand into the pocket to pick up one of those specially designed phones. "Yeah?", he calmly greeted. He didn't get a lot of calls, but when he got them he knew to expect the boys or his mum. 

    "Hey, it's Luke", he talked on the other line, "I'm with Mikey and Calum, I think we should talk about y/n." In the background, Michael did not have to think twice about slapping the back of Luke's head as hard as he could. 'So subtle', he sarcastically muttered.

     Ashton flipped the dark glasses in his hand, completely oblivious to where this was going,  "What is it?"

     Luke sighed, "We don't think she's-", but Ashton cut him off crankily as it hit him, "What? Safe, right, good for me?" 

      "Ash, we just want to make sure, don't get flustered about it", he tried to keep his cool. 

      "No, it's okay, I get it", Ashton said raising his voice, "Hey after all, you guys are my eyes, eh?" Luke ran a hand through his hair, whilst Michael and Calum confusingly stared at him. "Ash, don't take it to your heart", he said but it was too late for that. 'What's going on', Calum whispered.

      "Thanks for your concern, but I don't think I made a mistake when I asked her out", Ashton's trembling hand held the phone, "Also, tell Calum I heard him. I've got to go, catch ya later." He somehow hung up on him causing Luke to exhale annoyingly before throwing himself back in the armchair, "He won't listen."

      If Michael had rolled his big eyes any harder, they would have fallen out without a doubt. "I told you, you prick", he spat. 

     "Well excuse me for caring", Luke said under his breath, leaving all three in a long silence.

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