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      Another month in and December was already at the doorstep. You were walking with Ashton towards his place on the white slippery ground. The crisp wintery air was cooling your nostrils with every breath. You locked arms with Ashton tightly to help him out, when a couple of immature pubescents snickered, "Why's that weirdo wearing sunglasses in winter?"

     You looked up to seeing Ashton bite on his lip hearing that. "Stay still", you kiss his cheek and bend down making a snowball. You felt the snow numbing your hands and the gloves sticking to it. It was a really bitter winter. You were squeezing the small pile as hard as you could until it shaped a ball. You were staring right into their eyes across the street as you gulped. They were still there pointing at him like little brats when you threw it at them getting a mutual reaction, "What the fuck?!" 

     You stretch your arms wide open. Disbelief was an understatement. "Stop swearing, you're like 13!", you shouted at the top of your voice.  They all got angry but you weren't scared of them. You started bending down for more snow and they all took off. You scoffed, as you stood up and brushed your covered hands against your jacket. Instead, you took Ashton by his forearm and led him those few remaining steps towards the house. 

     "You stole my line", Ashton tried to make a joke about the situation making you laugh for a bit.

      You kissed his cheek, knowing he wasn't feeling all sunshine and rainbows today, "I know, babe."

      You unlocked the old door and you both got inside to take off the jackets and wet shoes. You collected them and lined up the shoes in front of a radiator and jackets nearby to make them dry faster. You took off the damp, chilling gloves that deadened any sense of touch in your hands. You slapped them on top of the radiator and for a second wondered if any of this is safe. '10 minutes won't hurt', you thought to yourself then quickly went into the bathroom to wash your hands with hot water.

     In the meantime, Ashton had a trillion thoughts and reflections racing through his mind. He felt his cheeks burn, knowing very well he would cry but he was doing his damn best not to   

     "Are you okay?", you asked Ashton when you returned as he was making himself comfortable in the armchair, taking off the sunglasses. He nods expressionless and you sit on the edge of the coffee table in front of him.

     You rub his hand with your thumb and he eventually opens up, "Sometimes...", he sighs, "I wish I could get out of this body." You close your eyes letting that sink in before you say anything. 

     "Ashton, I love you just the way you are", you speak fast, "I don't care about what anyone else thinks. It wouldn't be the same if you were someone else." You give him a kiss on his forehead and when he felt you leaning back he guessed your face and stroked your cheek.

      "I hope you're not bothered by what those teenyboppers were saying", you started telling him, "If you could see them you'd think they'd end up in juvie soon. More like, next week soon."

He chuckled and then leaned forward in the armchair, playing with your hair, "What colour are you hair and eyes?" As you started telling him the colours, you felt your heart crack just a bit.

   He smiled big, commenting on it, "That seems really nice, y/n."

   You giggled, "It's nothing stunning, don't worry."

    He pouted, "Of course it is." A smile surfaced on your lips because of his determination to convince you how gorgeous you are without ever seeing you.

   "Ugh", you groaned. 

    Ashton pulled away, furrowing his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

    "It's just...", you tried to be as dramatic as you could, "You're so inhumanly sweet, sometimes I just have to stop and ask myself - how in the world..?"

   You hopped onto his lap and attacked him with a bunch of kisses all over his adorable face and he grabbed your waist tightly to make sure you don't fall off from all the wiggling around. He didn't see that coming at all so he shared a piece of his mind, "My heart dropped to my toes, I thought something was actually wrong." 

   "Not wrong, just too right", you whispered planting a kiss on his soft lips.

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