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    "That was an awkward way to start a date, wasn't it",  Ashton softly giggled after a while.

    "I beg to differ", you exclaimed, playfully slapping the table with your palm as if you were a judge. "In fact", you continued, "I couldn't think of a better way to start a date."

     "I'm lucky to be - as your amazing self said - really cute", he joked. There's always half a truth inside every joke. In reality, he was subtly hinting that you probably wouldn't even give him a shot if he wasn't. He was very self-conscious about his, well, disability. You weren't going to let him get away with that as you were good at social cues.

    "More like, you're lucky to be kind and funny",  you comfortingly said, "That laugh is a bonus, to be honest."

   You noticed he was slowly blushing, and you squirmed in your seat moving it forward. You stretched out your arm across the table and reached for his gentle hand that was resting on the side of his cold cup. The trembling was minimal, barely noticeable - but it wasn't insignificant. You were looking straight at him and you knew he could feel it as his hand was burning up under your touch.

   'As long as you're happy, you're lucky', you mouthed, then quickly pulled back your hand.

    Ashton's finger nervously circled the ceramic edge as he smiled to himself. "You know", he started off, "So far, I don't regret a single thing. I'm glad we've met."

   "So far? Did you regret someone before?", you blurted out, then quickly changed the topic. "Would you like me to get you anything else? I see you're done with your coffee." You sunk back into the hard chair, throwing your head back with the most agitated look on your face. 'I should really stop with the questions', you think and then rock your head back as you heard Ashton speak up.

   "No, thank you", he politely declined, "I think Luke's supposed to be coming soon, anyways."

   You furrow your eyebrows with a confused smile, "Luke?"
   He nods, adding, "He's gonna drop me off at home."
   Obviously. You almost slapped yourself across the forehead. "Oh, alright", you said, "I hope you at least had a good, uh", you glanced at the time and continued, "couple hours."
   "I could do this all day", he generously stated and you grinned like a little girl. 

    These tender five minutes of yours were cut short by the darn windchime as you noticed Luke storming in. His light eyes narrowed as he tried to locate you two. Soon enough he was standing behind Ashton, tapping his shoulder.

   "I'm here", he murmured. 

   "So fast", Ashton meant well but Luke rolled his eyes, taking it serious, "Yeah, well, sorry to burst your bubble, I'm just sticking to the deal."

    Ashton's eyebrow quickly went up as he didn't expect this kind of attitude. He still didn't complain. "I know, thank you." He carefully pulled the chair out as he stood up and Luke bent to grab him his cane. You quickly jumped up to greet him.

   Your arms tightened around him to his surprise, but he adapted right away, hugging you back. Once you've let go, he smiled big and spoke to you, "Thanks for a great time."
   Luke nudged him, putting the cane in his hand. However, they still didn't get going. He pulled a bill out of his pocket and Luke took a look at it and the bill. "Smaller", he commented, and Ashton reached in his pocket, letting his friend pick the right amount.

    "You don't ha-", you didn't even manage to finished when Ashton chimed in, "Thank you once again, gorgeous."

   He turned around, and they started walking away. Luke's hand almost weightlessly rested on his back as he showed him out. You sat back down and Joe joined within moments, "Mind explaining?"

    You grinned once more, as you played hesitant, "Maybe."

     Joe raised his eyebrow, and his half smile said enough. You nodded and his arms shot up in the air, "But how?!" You shrugged, attempting to find a good reasoning, "I don't know, I almost think it's fate.  I swear it's starting to feel like a movie."

    Joe snickered, "You and I both know you don't believe a word that you just said."

    Your forehead thoughtfully wrinkled, "I kinda want to believe it."

     You guys couldn't keep the conversation alive once and angry customer shamelessly yelled, "Is there no waiter around here?!"

     Joe rolled his eyes and whispered, "See what I have to deal with?" He got up and you heard him mutter under his breath 'literally gone for 5 seconds' before he acted kind to the wacko. You were looking over, scoffing, as Ashton took over your thoughts and a smile surfaced again on your lips.

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