Hallow's Eve

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For Sam and Emily's Halloween party, Dean decides that Cas' first costume should correspond to Dean's, so they go shopping at Halloween City together. The bunker's locked up and safe and they are both prepared for the shopping and 18 hour drive ahead of them.

On the drive to the store, Dean suggests that they dress up as Elvis and Priscilla, but that doesn't turn out ("Dean, I'm not dressing up as a woman." "Cas, she's a pretty woman." "Dean, no."). Cas thinks they should go as John Adams and Thomas Jefferson ("Dude, what the fuck?" "They were both extremely helpful in forming the United States, Dean." "No. Cas, no.") but that doesn't go as planned either.

They decide at the store, after 20 minutes of searching through costumes, that the 'couples' section will best fit their needs. Cas is overwhelmed at it all. He suggests every costume he sees — Bert and Ernie, Batman and Robin, ketchup and mustard, salt and pepper, Papa Smurf and Smurfette ("Dammit, Cas, I told you. No costumes containing skirts, dresses, or lingerie."), and a burger and fries. Dean thinks they should go as two boobs, but Cas recalls that there will be kids at this party, shutting down that whole idea.

Dean is looking at Obama and Clinton masks when he notices that Cas has stopped blabbering. He turns to see the angel studying a costume and Dean walks over to meet him, and stops dead in his tracks when he's behind Castiel.

Oh, fuck no.

"There is no way in Hell that I am dressing up as a bee," he says. Cas grabs a large size of the bee costume off the rack and hands it to Dean.

"Don't worry. You'll be the flower." Dean tries to argue but he is interrupted by a flower costume being set in his arms. It's not so bad. It's really just a long green tube with a few pink petals around his head.

He wants to put them back, but before he knows it, Dean's smiling at the cashier when she gives the pair a funky look. Cas isn't even looking at her; his eyes are wandering around the room and Dean pulls out his credit card, and huffs when the cashier snaps her gum and says in a monotone voice: "$67.32." Dean's about ready to swipe his card when Cas stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Dean whispers, and suddenly there are two plastic vampire teeth, a taxidermy crow, a bald cap, and a fake severed foot lying on the counter, too. Cas doesn't say anything else, only just stares intently at the miscellaneous items he's chosen. "I'm not even gonna ask," Dean mumbles as he gestures for the cashier to scan those, too.  The total comes out to $96.35 and Dean reluctantly swipes his card, gritting his teeth. Damn angel with his damn cute face and his damn innocence, he thinks as he shoves the plastic bag filled with Halloween stuff into Cas' arms and walks out to the car.

"The items I chose," Cas says when they're driving, "They could be useful on a hunt." Dean snorts.

"Yeah, right," he says. Cas frowns.

"Well, I thought they could help us," the angel explains. "The fangs because of when we will hunt vampires. The crow and bald cap as disguises. And the foot as bait for things, too. Smart, right?"

Dean smiles and knows that not a single one of those ideas will work. Yet, he smiles and says "Yeah, you're quite the Einstein there, pal," and means every word.

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