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Sorry for not updating in a while! I've been more focused on my new full-length story (check it out)!

Also: warning. The beginning of this chapter does have some puking. While it's not graphic or violent, I don't want to unintentionally upset anybody.


Dean didn't actually think Cas would do it.

But, here he was, nursing his dumb fiancé back to health, rubbing his back as he threw up the contents of his stomach.

"You fucking idiot," Dean whispers, and Cas shoots him a death glare. Dean rolls his eyes and winces as Cas hurls into the toilet.

"Never," Cas says, pacing his words and panting, "Ever. Invite me to one of your parties again."

Dean chuckled and squeezes Castiel's shoulder. "You didn't have to come." Castiel flushes the toilet and sinks back onto the wall behind him.

"Oh, please," he wipes his face with his sleeve, grimacing at the taste left over on his lips. "I live here, Dean."

Dean smiles and stands up. "C'mon, take a shower." Cas looks up at him with the cutest pleading eyes.

"You showering with me?"

"No," Dean replies. "You're smelly and gross and, as much as I love your dick, I don't wanna get puked on. When you get out we can watch that Full House DVD set Sam got us. Just... don't smell like vinegar when you get out, huh?"

Cas groans and smacks his head against the back of the wall. "This is your fault."

twelve hours earlier

"Yo, Dean!" Ash appeared in the living room with a glass bottle in his hands. "Why didn't you tell us you had more shit stashed in your cupboards!"

Dean looked up from Castiel's phone, where the latter was in an intense round of Temple Run. "That's vinegar, shithead!" he laughed. Ash rolled his eyes and took the top off of the bottle, taking a large swig before spitting it out. Cas clicked his phone off and slid it into his pocket, reaching out for the bottle.

"Cas," Dean warned, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"I dare ya," Ash said, snickering as a crowd gathered.

"Alright," Castiel said. "Hand it over."

Ash's eyebrows shot up so high Dean genuinely thought they were going to morph into his hairline.

"Dude, you don't really have to..." Ash began, but trailed off as Castiel threw back the bottle and took a long fucking swig of vinegar.

Dean didn't know whether to laugh or be concerned, so he chooses the latter. Holy shit, he thought. I'm engaged to a man who is literally drinking vinegar

The crowd that had formed began relentless chants of "Chug, chug, chug!" and, Dean had to admit, Cas looked hot as fuck when he swallowed, so he began to yell, too, his pulse raising as Cas drained the bottle.

Castiel slammed the bottle down on the coffee table as he finished and the crowd cheered, Dean tackled him into a hug, and screamed at the top of his lungs, "You just drank vinegar!" to which Cas responded with, "I just drank vinegar!"

Dean kissed Castiel but pulled back as the taste hit his tongue. Holy fuck, Cas must have a stomach of steel.


"You know," Cas says, drying his hair with a navy towel, "You're lucky that I love you so much because otherwise I'd punch your face in for not stopping me."

"We weren't even drunk, Cas, and you chugged an entire bottle of vinegar," Dean retorts, setting down the newspaper and pushing his glasses on top of his head. "Obviously some part of that was your fault."

Cas sets the towel down on the counter and sits on Dean's lap where he's at the table, kissing his forehead and gripping his shoulders. "I needed to impress you."

"Oh, Castiel," Dean replies, "You impressed me long ago." Cas smiles and leans down, kisses Dean long and slow, glad he brushed his teeth.

Dean pulls back and gapes at Cas. "Have mercy," he drawls. Cas throws his head back and laughs, and Dean notices that the hickey from last week still hasn't shaved.

"Dean, honey," Cas says, breathless, face bright, "Just because Uncle Jesse was my first gay crush doesn't mean that you have to be him. You've already got me hooked."

When Cas grips the top of his head as his lips go down further to his collarbone, Dean almost resists the urge to hiss, watch the hair!

Keyword almost.

And, hell, if this is their thing; if Dean's getting married to a lifetime of Full House references and vinegar chugging, then he wouldn't change a thing.

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