Seven+ Minutes in Heaven

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"I've never played before," Castiel said, sitting down in the circle. Charlie laughed and patted Castiel on the back.

"That's alright, Cas," she said. "You don't have to. You'll find out what happens. Castiel frowned and glanced around the circle. There were an equal number of girls and boys, and all of them popular and hot. Castiel didn't even know how he got into this party, let alone be invited to play the game with them.

"Basically, what you have to do," Charlie suddenly whispered into Cas' ear, "Is you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on, you must go into a closet with them and spend seven minutes alone with them. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you spend at least seven minutes with them. There'll be a timer in the closet so you'll know when to come out, but you don't have to spend just seven minutes in there. You understand?"

"So, like, extreme spin the bottle?" Castiel asked.

"Basically," Charlie replied.

Charlie spun the bottle first, and the room cheered when it landed on Johanna Harvelle. Jo was just a sophomore, but she belonged her brother who was at the party, and who was a senior.

"Wish me luck, kiddo," Charlie whispered before standing up and grabbing Johanna's hand as they walked to the closet.

The room chattered as they waited for the seven minutes to be up, and at four minutes, one of the boys wearing a football jersey groaned.

"Benny, your house has more than one closet. Let's speed it up and spin again," he said. The room agreed with mixed yeah's and the gruffest of the men, who was supposedly Benny, said, "Alright, y'all can use my bedroom closet. Just take everything outta it before ya start your seven minutes." Cas' eyes widened. They were spinning again, and Charlie wasn't here. Oh, god, he thought, what if it landed on him?

"I'll go," a deep voice said. Castiel looked over to his right to see a boy in a Henley with medium hair smirking and reaching for the beer bottle.

"Winchester wants to get some!" Benny shouted, followed by a few hoots and laughter. Cas' breath hitched as the Henley boy — Winchester — spun the bottle and the room filled with anticipation as it slowed down and shit shit shit it was coming to a stop and it landed on —

"Castiel Novak?!" Benny shouted, suddenly laughing. Cas' cheeks went red and he glanced over at Winchester, who was also red. "The fuckin' nerd?! Oh my God, Winchester! Have fun!"

Winchester stood up from the circle and rubbed his palms on his jeans, looking down at Castiel.

"You comin', pal?" he said, and Castiel blushed even harder and nodded as he stood up and followed him up the stairs as he listened to the hoots of the room below him.

They entered Benny's room dreadfully, and Winchester slammed the door shut and made a beeline for the closet, yanking the doors open and tossing clothes down onto the floor behind him.

"I can help," Cas quietly said, and Dean turned around, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Nah, I think I got it," he said, throwing more shirts onto the ground. "My name's not just Winchester, by the way. It's Dean."

"People call me Cas, too, if you would prefer that over Castiel," Cas offered. Dean nodded and chucked the last shirt in the closet over at Benny's bed, but missed, knocking a trophy off the bedside table.

"Whoops," he sarcastically said. Dean pulled his phone out of his pocket and glanced over at Castiel. "Lock the bedroom door and turn the lights off." Cas did so, and saw that Dean had turned the flashlight on on his phone and said, "Alright, c'mon." Castiel carefully walked over to Dean, avoiding stepping on the clothes, and followed him into the closet. The phone's light illuminated Dean's face and Cas studied his soft features as Dean closed the door.

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