That Special Someone

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largely based off of that scene in the absolute fucking comedic classic Elf.

also, i know we're not even a week into november, but i'm already christmased up.



Castiel particularly enjoyed shopping. Especially Christmas shopping. He took delight in going to the mall and watching the moms hustling to search for the perfect shirt for their child, the elderly smiling at each other and wishing Merry Christmases to all, the little kids' eyes lighting up with delight as they saw toys that had been advertised on television for months previous.

So when Sam slapped a few hundred dollar bills into Castiel's hand and told him, "Go buy presents," Castiel was enthralled, to say the least.

Sam was particularly easy to shop for. Castiel bought him a journal, set of nice, graphite pencils, and a new watch.

Castiel didn't really know exactly what Dean liked, however. He found it ridiculous, and was angry at himself for being so ignorant toward his human's tastes. He knew Dean liked beer, busty Asians, pie, and cowboy movies, but those were all things Dean had already obtained. Castiel knew Dean's measurements when it came to clothing, but it wasn't like the hunter needed any more of it. Castiel had only seen Dean's closet once, but there was a fair supply of tees and flannels to be seen.

Castiel tested out a few pillows for Dean. Castiel knew that Dean tended to sleep on his back with his head turned to the side, although, there were rare instances in which he would fall asleep on his stomach. Castiel quite liked a memory foam pillow that had a hill for your neck to rest, and he ignored the odd stares he got from shoppers as he laid his head on each and every pillow he saw. He kept the pillow in mind, knowing that Dean would surely appreciate it, but it wasn't anything too special or meaningful.

Then Castiel came across a display of red and white babydoll lingerie. Castiel frowned and lifted a size large off the rack. He glanced at the sign next to the display. "For that special someone," he read quietly to himself. Castiel glanced down at the bra in his hand.

Dean liked red, Castiel knew that. The lingerie seemed to suit his hunter. He knew it wasn't exactly customary for human men to wear top underwear under their clothing, but he had seen a flash of lace above Dean's waistline now and then, or silk bottoms sitting in Dean's laundry, so why not complete the set with a babydoll top? Just to be sure to satisfy Dean, Castiel grabbed a matching pair of pink panties and a bag of teriyaki beef jerky to go along with it.


The trio sat around the table that held their little plastic tree Sam had picked out at Walgreens. ("Dean, I wasn't gonna bring an actual sized tree into the bunker." "Sam, it looks like something out of a goddamn Charlie Brown holiday special.")

The night before, on Christmas Eve, they all gathered in Sam's room and watched Home Alone, which Castiel very much enjoyed. Dean shared his popcorn with Castiel, although, Sam fell asleep before even the halfway point of the story. Dean thought it would be hilarious to draw a giant tree on Sam's stomach with Sharpie, and, although he just stood aside and held Dean's bowl of popcorn, Castiel enjoyed that, too.

Castiel, of course, does not sleep, so he stayed up all night planning a Christmas breakfast. By the time Sam and Dean were awake and trudging out into the war room with their gifts for the others, the table had been decorated with slices of bacon and ham, eggs, pancakes, Belgium waffles, a mug of coffee for the two boys, and glasses of orange juice for each of them.

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