You Go Left

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They dance in the kitchen.

Elvis is playing in the background, Dean's choice. That was the one thing Dean actually felt as though he had a say in in this entire thing.

Castiel's hand rests on the small of Dean's back, his other curled into Dean's own. He slowly hums along to the music, watching Dean intently. Dean watches back.

"This is stupid," Dean whispers, and Castiel chuckles, breaking his hum.

"We have to practice," Castiel says. Dean rolls his eyes and his brows knit together as he loses his footing, tries to regain it.

"You're so much better at this than me," Dean says. He's trying not to pout, but Castiel's profession is a dancer, and a pretty famous one at that. Dean's just a mechanic who went to one of Castiel's shows and ended up falling in love with the hot guy who wore snazzy shoes. (After, ahem, getting to know Castiel in the back seat of his car. Wink, wink).

"You're doing great," Castiel says, and Dean squeezes his hand.

"You're looking great." It slips out of Dean's mouth automatically, and a blush spreads across his face. Castiel's mouth blooms into a smile. It's not one of his signature, big, gummy ones, no, it's a soft, small one that Dean likes to believe is reserved for himself.

They're quiet for a while, watching each other carefully. The Elvis song smoothly ends and slips into another one by Sinatra.

"This isn't a slow song," Dean bickers, and Castiel swats his butt lightly.

"Leave it." Dean watches Castiel as he stares down at their feet, frowning. "You go left," Castiel says, and when Dean stumbles Castiel is suddenly crying, and Dean doesn't know why. He lets go of Dean and walks toward the speaker, turning it off, sinking to the ground in front of the fridge.

"Hey," Dean says, softly, moving to sit next to Castiel. "You're okay." Castiel lifts his head up and stares at Dean. The fact that his eyes are bluest when sad make Dean frown even harder.

"I don't think I've been taking my pills," Castiel softly says with a chuckle. He shakes his head and stares forward at the countertop. "I didn't think I needed them anymore. I was doing so good."

"That means they work, Cas," Dean says, almost angry. "You have to take them." There's a pause; a gap of silence. "How many episodes like this have you had?"

Castiel sighs. "Just three. It's been a very stressful month, Dean. I must've forgotten to take them, with everything that's going on."

"What brought them on?"

This brings another huff of air out of Castiel. "The first time my mother called asking if she could come into town. I told her that I live in Sioux Falls, now, and she blew up. She said I'm a dancer who was blessed with a famous name and that I should use it."

Dean wraps an arm around Castiel and kisses his hair, lets Castiel continue.

"And then Gabriel called and said that he wouldn't be able to fly in, which means none of my family is coming, and I have, like, one friend, but she's kind of your friend more."

"We don't have to do the two separate sections thing," Dean compromises. He honestly couldn't care less about who sits where.

"It's all falling apart," Castiel says, and leans harder into Dean.

"Don't think about that," Dean soothes. He stares at Castiel's hair as he talks. "Think about you and me, dancing to Elvis together in Bobby's backyard. We'll dance in that gazebo. It'll be nighttime, the cheesy twinkle light's'll be there. You'll be in a dumb tux, but so will I. Jo, Jess, and Charlie will be in those beautiful green dresses, and Sam and Benny will be in their blue ties arguing over who is the true best man." That earns a chuckle out of Castiel, and Dean continues and grabs Castiel's left hand, rubs the ring finger there. "And then we'll have our rings on."

"Yeah," Castiel softly says.

"Remember when I proposed?" Dean continues. "It was June. We went to the Badlands and I knelt down in on a cliff and almost fell off. I was sore that night when I fucked you in the hotel."

"You called me your June bride," Castiel interjects. "When you fucked me that night in our hotel. You called me your June bride, said my pretty mouth could buy me lots of men, lots of women, that I could get anyone I wanted with the way I moaned." Dean felt his face go hot.

"I don't think I said those exact words," he hoarsely defends.

"You did," Castiel replies. "And it was really, really hot. It's hot when you get all dominant like that."

"I can't help it," Dean says, smiling. "You're way out of my league. You had sex with Matt Bomer, Cas. I am allowed to be possessive." That brings a full laugh out of Castiel.

"Well, I am marrying you next week, so Matt Bomer can suck on that." Dean kisses Castiel's forehead and squeezes his hand, smile bright.

When they make love in their bed that night, Dean makes sure to be as possessive and dominant as possible.

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