rogue! also...

46 4 1

GUYS, 800 READS?! BRUH, BRUH, BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!!?!?!!!?!1!!2!2?2!2!12!2!12! ?!?!12! 2!2?!

DUDES AND DUDETTES (what the fuck?) Thank you so much for 800 views. It may seem small to you, compared to those really talanted people, but for me, it's like a million.
I've done some horrible things, like ganging up on a friend known as Otakuu_Silent. I'm sorry, and I know I don't deserve 800 views.
But thank you so much for standing my stupidity. XDD and my L obsession....*-*
But without you, I wouldn't have 800 views, i'm not the one who voted on my story. I'm not the one who stumbled upon this book. You were. And you decided that it was good enough to vote for. To comment on. Thank you so much.
On my last account, it took nearly a year to gain 800 views. Now, in a matter if two or three months, we've gained 800. We, not I. We all did it. So. Thank you again :)

The Kid's MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ