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Dis is for SebastianMichaelis87
Why are you so difficult to draw?! Dang it, Sebastian. It's nearly finished.
The little drawing near your left shoulder is me, wiping my forehead, finally satisfied with the fucking shoulders.
I'll rub it off when it's finished!
And, to those who know me irl.
My illness is getting significantly worse, guys. If I do act like a bitch, i'm terribly sorry. And if I don't talk alot, or become less interested in things we used to enjoy, then please forgive me.
This is just a notice for you,
If I do snap at you, if I'm angry or don't do what you want, please forgive me. You know, by now, I'm not right in the mind.
Especially you, Hal. Your so irritating, and you seem like you hate me alot. Do tell me what I did wrong, and I'll try and make it up to you. But, if you can't stand me, ill leave when you arrive, ok? :)

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