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I drew juzuoo earlier, and I outlined it with a felt tip.
My friend, matchstikcastlesburn, had also let me borrow her water colour pencils, so I tried to paint juzuoo.
It was going well...
Until, of course, the felt tip ink spread....;-; so pissed right now.....GOD DAMN IT! LE ARTIST RAGE!!!

Funny story time.
In school, my friend, Rainbowdash2531 had punched me to get my attention. so then, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. And then, my other friend yelled 'ARTIST HANDS STRENGTH!!!' but I was holding the fingers of her hand, so it wasn't as effective.
Pro tip: if your gonna hurt someone with their hand, squeeze them at the knuckles. They'll be crying in moments. (Exaggeration...but eh....) XDD
;-; *cringe in corner cus of the ink spread*

The Kid's MindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz