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I shall now quote poodehpie (pewdiepie)
"It's time for a Q&A, baby!" XDDDD
first question from squiggly_rainbow
What inspired you to write on Wattpad?
Uh....my friend Rainbowdash2531 told me about it, and said I should join. I think the real reason she made me join was so that she could talk to me. XDDD and also cus I can share my art.

Q.2) who do you think is stronger, L or Light?
This is a question me and my friend debated on...
I think L is stronger, and this has nothing to do with him being my senpai. It's because he doesn't let emotions control him, he's smarter so he can predict light's movements through previous attacks and light's personality, and L uses his legs in a fight, meaning he can keep the enemy at a distance.
The original debate was HUGE!

Q.3) best anime?
Death note. STFU! XDDD a close second is Tokyo ghoul.

Q.4) who is your best friend, Rainbowdash2531, or Shalizzle?
GOD DAMN IT! Uh....Both? Eue. You are both amazing, but dash is a little more annoying. XDD

Q.5) what would you do in a zombie apocalypse scenario, where your friends are in danger, and your losing a fight.
Damn....uh....I guess....i would first shout for my friends to get away, or to throw me a weapon and run. (The danger is that some zombie's are gradually coming towards them, but they have time to run) I wouldn't want to be the reason my friends die, even if I survive.

Q.6) do you ship #gratsu?
no. Just no. XDD


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