book fight XD

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Basically, me and my friend -I-Dont-Want-To-Die- were having a fight over books.
So den, I picked Alex Rider by Anthony Horowitz. Alex lost to Harry Potter.
(And it was like a pokemon battle, Doodle_no_Scurlet c:)
So den, I look at my book shelf, and pick out When The Wind Blows, by James Patterson.
And he picks out Percy Jackson, and the fight is still on going, (although, I must admit, i'm terribly loosing XD)
So the pic above is my mini library. Very mini. And yes I sleep with a night light, shut the fuck up! .-. I don't want any jinn or charayl coming for me. (Beasts from Islam. Beings made of fire.)
when the wind blows is on the second shelf, next to the big red one.

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