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I'm holding a contest for you all. Already writing this, I know that I'd only get like one or two peeps joining, so could you share this book to some artists you know?
The theme is a funny personal joke, like for me, my friend would sort of do a jump dance, and say "swaggy blessy" and I'd pee laughing. (No, seriously, i'm like 'STAHP I GONNA PEEEEE!!1!111!1!!!!1!1!!' Rainbowdash2531 yes, it was your bloody dance. XD) so, I'd take her dance, and make it grell dancing, and instead of swaggy blessy, he'd say "bassy bassy" XP.

knowing you guys, you'd probably crack dirty jokes, so anything pervy is permitted, as long as there's no nudity. THAT MEAN YOU, Shalizzle! :C XD

You have to submit it by....the end of the month, tops. (End of February)

You can upload the pic in any one of your books, as long as you tag me, and comment if you'd uploaded it.

1st winner prize:
What ever the frik you want, as long as I can do it. (IDontWantToDie, no, no profile pic, got it? I've got a bloody scythe, (ginger tea cup XP) next to me. XD

2nd place prize:
A drawing for chu,

A chapter of one of my stories (your choice) in your words and idea. (Basically, you make the chapter up. Anything inappropriate, and this gift will be plopped XD)

I'll follow you, and I'll get other peeps to follow you too!

3rd place prize:

A drawing for you.

Follow you peeps follow you. (I too lazy to write properly. Relying on autocorrect to do most of it for me. XP)

And tips for art! (I'm not the best artist, but I hope I help chu!)

Other people,YOU GET OUT OF HERE! XD joking, i'mma shout you out on the book, and, if you wish, give you tips. I'm not the best artist in the universe, but I hope I can help!

I really hope this works, i'm depressed and shit, and this is like a cure. OI, NO FEEL BAD FOR ME, I STILL HAS GINGER TEA CHAINSAW! XP ENJOY!!!! :3

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