Christmas Presents Part 1 (Sabriel)

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It's 12:14am on Christmas Day here :P Merry Christmas guys. Hope yall have a great Christmas filled with Supernatural and fandoms. *Give candy canes*

"Oh come on, don't sound so down Sammy."

"Why not?"

"It's Christmas eve."


"Come on, be a little excited."

Gabriel heard an exasperated sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Great, another year I get to spend alone with no celebrations and a brother that skips out to hang with his best friend instead."

"You know what that's it. Get over here now."


"You heard me Sammy, you're spending Christmas with us."


"Dean will be here anyway, you said it yourself, he always hangs with Cas. You two are like family, don't you dare say you'd be intruding."

"How did you..."

"I know you too well Sammy, now grab some stuff and get over here. We can watch cliché christmas movies all night."

Gabe heard a sigh. "Fine. I'll be there in ten."

The phone went dead and Gabe threw it onto his bed. Him and Sam had been friends for who knows how long. Same with Cas and Dean. The younger two were in their final year of high school while Cas and Dean had already graduated.

True to his word, ten minutes later Sam was knocking on the door. Gabe ran downstairs and opened it for him, immediately giving him reindeer ears.

"Not quite a moose, but close enough," Gabe said with a smirk. Sam rolled his eyes but smiled, before walking into the house and up to Gabe's room.

"So what movies do you have?" Sam asked.

"Well I don't actually own Christmas movies," Gabe said. "So how about we binge watch Doctor Who?"

"Oh you know me too well," Sam said with a wide smile before jumping over onto Gabriel's bed. Gabe chuckled and turned the tv on, putting on the 9th Doctor's first episode.

They watched that for hours, side by side on Gabriel's bed. Eventually, Sam fell asleep, sliding down onto Gabe's shoulder. Gabe looked down at Sam's head on his shoulder, smiling softly.

"Night Sammy," he said softly. "Merry Christmas."


Sam woke to the sun shining bright in his face, Gabe's curtains wide open. He groaned and rolled away from the light, only to see an excited Gabriel crouched beside the bed.

"Sammy it's Christmas!!" he yelled. Sam chuckled at Gabe's excitement, and dragged himself out of the bed.

"What time is it?" Sam asked, yawning.

"7 am," Gabe said. "Come on let's look at the tree." He jumped up with way too much energy and bounded down the stairs. Sam just chuckled again and followed him groggily.

"Sammy look! I have presents!"

"You are such a child," Sam said, laughing as Gabriel sat cross legged next to the tree.

"I wonder what this could be," Gabe said, picking one up and shaking it. "Maybe a Dvd."

"You shook the dvd?" Sam asked.

"Yeah that's what you do with presents," Gabe said. "Shake them. Oh Sammy I got you something."

"Aww Gabe you didn't have to," Sam said. "You know I feel bad since I can't afford to get you anything back."

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