Christmas Presents Part 2 (Destiel)

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I had no plan for this so it just went wherever :P Merry Christmas guys. *Gives more candy canes*

Dean ran up to the Novak's house on Christmas day, hoping to God that Sam was there. When he saw Sam with Gabriel he sighed in relief.

"Dean," Cas said happily. "You came."

"Of course I did, I do every year," Dean said. Cas smiled before the two of them walked into the house.

Cas didn't actually live in the house anymore, he'd moved out last year to a small apartment. He still went over for Christmas though.

The day went on, presents were exchanged, Sabriel totally happened, and then Cas departed for his own home. Dean went with him.

Cas turned on the light, walking into the quiet apartment. "About time Sam and Gabe got together."

"Yeah," Dean said. "Do you think they'd kill us if they found out we were listening?"

"Probably," Cas said. "Best not to mention it to them."

Cas's apartment was small, with a few decorations hanging around. A tree, bits of tinsel around the place.

"So did you actually get me a present?" Cas asked, smirking. Dean chuckled.

"I did, but I'm getting Sam to bring it around later."

"Must be special then, if you can't just carry it around."

"Trust me, if I had it here, you would instantly be able to tell what it was."

"Well now I need to know what it is."

"Nope. Gotta wait Cas."

"Oh you suck," Cas said.

"If I must," Dean said, smirking. Cas rolled his eyes.

Cas slid onto the couch, putting his feet up. Dean picked Cas's feet up to sit down before putting Cas's feet on his lap.

"Anything good on tv?" Dean asked.

"Not really," Cas said.

"You got any good movies?" Dean asked.

"Yeah but then I have to get up."

"Lazy ass."


"What kind of an insult is that?"

"The best one."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"That would be you."

Yeah Cas and Dean occasionally flirted. It never went anywhere though. Unfortunately.

"Wanna watch the Hobbit?" Dean asked. "Since this is the first year we can't go see one of the movies the day after Christmas."

"Sure," Cas said. "Go get it peasant." Dean laughed before standing to get the dvd.

Three hours later, about 10 pm, the movie finished. Dean's phone lit up and he looked at it.

"Sam is outside with your present," Dean said. "I'm going to go get it. Wait here."

Dean ran out to where Sam was holding a box covered with a blanket. Gabe was standing beside him, leaning his head on Sam's shoulder.

"Took you guys long enough," Dean said, with a double meaning. Sam and Gabe exchanged a glance before laughing. Dean smiled and took the box gently. "Use protection!" he yelled as he walked back inside.

"I'm assuming Gabriel was there too," Cas said, having heard Dean shout.

"Yep," Dean said. "They've got it bad, it's sickeningly adorable." Cas chuckled.

"That sounds like Gabe alright." He looked at the box. "What is it?"

Dean placed the box gently on the floor of the living room, taking the blanket off. Cas rolled off the couch to crouch beside the box. The box had holes in the sides, and Cas put his finger in one only to be met with the touch of fur.

"You didn't..." he whispered. He opened the box, and pulled out the small kitten that was inside. "Oh my god you did."

Dean laughed, sitting on the floor beside Cas. "She was at the adoption shelter, poor thing was abandoned. I know you're a sucker for that type of thing."

Cas cuddled the kitten close to his chest. It was black with bright blue eyes. "She even looks like me..."

"She needs a trenchcoat for that," Dean said, smiling. "What'll you name her?"

"How about Midnight?" Cas said. "Black fur like the night, blue a blue moon."

Dean chuckled. "Okay, Midnight then."

The little kitten meowed, this tiny high pitched sound and Cas made a similar sound while smiling brightly.

"Thank you so much Dean," he said. "I could seriously kiss you right now."

"I wouldn't object," Dean said...being completely serious. Cas heard the lack of joking in his voice, the joking he normally had when he said things like that. Dean seemed to realize what he'd just done and just sorta sat there like a deer in headlights.

"Well..." Cas said. "Okay." Then he leaned in to press a quick kiss to Dean's lips. Dean's eyes went wide and Cas pulled away before he could react. Cas then turned all his attention to Midnight as his face went red.

"Cas," Dean said slowly. "You just..."

"Yeah," Cas said. "I did. Your point?"

Dean was silent. "Cas. Wanna pay me back for Midnight?"

"In what way?" Cas asked suspiciously.

"Be my boyfriend."

It was Cas's turn to be silent, before, "Yes."

Dean smiled brightly. "My god we're cliché."

"No, it'd be cliché if we kissed under the mistletoe," Cas said. "So. Wanna watch the next Hobbit?"

Dean laughed at his nerd of a boyfriend and nodded. They sat back on the couch and started playing the next movie.

Cas curled up into Dean's side, and Dean kissed him lightly on the forehead as they watched. Midnight jumped onto the couch and curled up to sleep between them.

"Hey Cas," Dean said, as Cas began to fall asleep. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Dean," Cas whispered before falling asleep.

And that was just the first Christmas of many Christmas's that this new family spent together.

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