Angel For Christmas (Sabriel)

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(Sabriel but there's some Destiel briefly too)

Sam and Dean were in the bunker on Christmas eve. There was no Christmas decorations, nothing. They hadn't celebrated Christmas in years...

Sam wouldn't lie and say he didn't miss it. It was a good way to forget what was happening in the world around them. But they'd just been too preoccupied with hunting lately...

Which is why when Sam woke up on Christmas morning and walked out to find a Christmas tree and decorations everywhere, he was definitely confused.

"Dude, did you do this?" Dean asked, already standing in the room looking at the decorations with confusion.

"No..." Sam said. "I uh...what?"

"If you didn't, then who the hell did?" Dean asked.

"Ask Cas?" Sam said.

"Cas?" Dean asked, and his angel appeared. "Do you know how this happened?"

Cas looked around at the decorations. "They have a trace of grace on them, it must have been an angel."

"Was it you?" Dean asked and Cas shook his head.

"I don't understand human holiday traditions," Cas said. Dean just looked back at Sam.

"Okay who the hell got into our bunker and gave us Christmas decorations of all things?" Dean asked.

"I don't know..." Sam said, looking at the decorations. The tree was decorated with a lot of candy canes...but he was dead, it couldn't be him.

Dean just gave an exasperated sound and went to walk through the bunker. Cas followed him and as Sam saw something he snorted behind them. Dean paused and looked at Sam.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Look up," Sam said, smiling.

Dean looked up and saw the mistletoe above his head. "Son of a..." He glanced at Cas who was looking at the mistletoe with confusion.

"Mistletoe is associated with a specific Christmas tradition," Cas said. "If two stand under it..."

"We don't have to," Dean said.

"But it's tradition," Cas said, before kissing Dean before he could react. Then he was pulling away and walking off as if nothing had happened. Dean was standing there frozen while Sam watched him with amusement.

"I...shut up," Dean said to Sam before following Cas.

Sam was left in the room alone. He looked around at the decorations again, noting that all the tinsel was gold...on top of the tree was an angel, but again the wings were gold.

"It can't be him," Sam muttered. "He was killed." So he walked off to follow Dean and Cas.

Cas was acting like nothing had happened while Dean was just being really awkward.

"Can you tell which angel it was Cas?" Sam asked.

Cas shook his head. "I do not believe they intend us harm though."

"But we can't just let this go," Dean said.

Cas nodded. "If I had to guess...I would say this was Gabriel." Sam froze at the archangels name. "It is his style, and many of the decorations seem to be hinting at him."

"But Gabriel is dead," Sam said, his voice strained. He'd liked Gabriel...

"Maybe not," Cas said, tilting his head. "He is the Trickster after all." Sam just sighed, and walked out of the room.

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