Opposites Attract (Destiel)

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Prompt from one of my friends, basically Punk Cas and Pastel Dean.

Pastel and punk is usually something from the Phandom...but hey I figured why not? :P

Dean walked into the school, his younger, shorter brother running off with way too much excitement. Dean took his time walking to his locker, keeping his head down and ignoring everyone. And everyone ignored him. He was just the small pastel kid after all.

Yeah you heard me. Dean the pastel kid. Pastel coloured plaid, white shirt underneath, light coloured jeans and glasses because his family couldn't afford contacts.

He got to his locker, which of course the inside was also decorated with pastel colours things, as well as fandom pictures. Then went off to his first class.

"Okay everyone," Mr Tennant said. "New student." He gestured to the guy standing next to him. And Dean pretty much froze up as he looked at the guy.

Black hair with the fringe dyed blue, stunning blue eyes, piercings, all black clothes and tattoos all over his arms. Leather jacket and skinny jeans. And he was hot.

"Name's Castiel," the guy said. "But you can call me Cas." He walked over to the only spare seat, winking at the girls as he passed, who giggled stupidly. Oh and the only spare seat in the room happened to be at the back next to Dean, because no one sat with the shy pastel kid.

"Hey there," Cas said, looking at Dean. Dean just kept his head down, looking at his book with concentration. "Oh come on. Cutest guy so far happens to be the one person who won't talk to me."

Dean jolted on the word 'cutest', accidentally hitting his knee on the table. He swore and rubbed his knee as Cas smirked at him.

"I bet I could make you swear," Cas said with a wink and Dean just glared over at him. "You're friendly aren't you?" Dean just kept glaring. "Can I at least know your name?"

"Dean," Dean muttered, before turning back to his book and focusing on class. Cas smiled at him before doing the same, but not without the occasional look over at Dean.

At some point in class, the giggling girls in the row in front of them turned around to talk to Cas.

"We're having a party tonight Cas, want to join us?" one of them said flirtatiously.

"Is this party going to include getting drunk and accidentally hooking up with one of you?"

"If you want it to," one of the girls said, trying to say it seductively and failing. Dean felt like throwing up in his mouth as he listened to this whole thing happen.

"Sorry girls," Cas said, smirking. "I don't swing that way." He looked pointedly at Dean as he said this, who caught his eye and blushed like crazy, turning away quickly.

The girls glared and gave up, and Cas decided to stare at Dean. Every time Dean looked over he would catch Cas's gaze and look away quickly, blushing.

When class finally ended, Dean went to run out of the classroom, quickly getting to his locker. Then he realized Cas was following him.

"What do you want?" Dean said, looking down at Cas. Because he had to do that what with his height.

"Woah you're tall," Cas said. "Hope that's not the only thing that's big."

Dean blushed again and turned to his locker, putting his books away. Cas glanced over his shoulder at the fandom pictures.

"You like Doctor Who."

"You know Doctor Who?"

"Who doesn't?" Cas said. "Just because I dress like a punk doesn't mean I can't enjoy a good show."

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