Roses are Red, Violets ain't Blue (Sabriel)

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Valentine's Day oneshot for yall :)

It was that great day of the year, where either you were happy with someone, or you were self conscious of just how alone you were. Sam was currently the latter.

Valentine's Day. Sam just went about his day as he normally did, walking into his work while ignoring any couply things he saw.

His brother Dean had a husband to spend the day with, a nice guy called Castiel. Sam remembered the day they got married...some short golden haired guy had asked him to dance. Sam had obliged, and had actually felt not lonely in that moment...but the golden haired guy had vanished after the dance with only a wink.

Sam walked over to his desk, he had a simple office job, and then stopped for a moment when he realized there was a box of chocolates on it. Sam looked around, thinking there was probably some mistake, then looked at the note on the box.

'Roses are red, violets aren't actually blue...yep I messed that up, wow.'

Sam laughed quietly at the note, before sitting down at his desk and going about his daily work. But in the back of his mind, he was wondering who had given him the chocolates. A co-worker? Probably not. Maybe a co-worker playing a prank on him.

Later in the day, one of those people who ran errands walked over to Sam's office, knocking quietly.

"What is it Alfie?" Sam asked, looking up from his computer.

"Someone brought this for you," Alfie said, handing Sam a coffee. "There's a note with it too."

"Did you read the note?"

"...maybe. Who's the secret Valentine?"

"I don't know," Sam said. He took the coffee and the note, and Alfie left the room. Sam noticed the coffee was his favourite type before reading the note.

'You needed coffee. Dean said so. Anyway, I'm going to try again. Rose are red, violets ain't blue, sugar is sweet and so...dammit I want sugar now.'

Sam laughed again at the stupid note, then went to wondering how this person knew Dean. Maybe it was one of Cas's friends? Who knew.

The day continued on, and when mail came around Sam wasn't really surprised to see a card in there. Sam smiled at it, loving the hand drawn golden angel on the front.

'Third times the charm right? Probs not. Roses are red, violets ain't blue, you are a pyscho, but I still love you. Well I mean that worked but kind of insulted you at the same time. I'm going to add that to the fails list.'

Sam found himself smiling widely at this mystery persons attitude towards this...they seemed like a funny person...maybe if they ever succeeded in writing a good poem, Sam would actually go out with them.

He got to the end of the work day without anything else from the mystery person. He packed up and planned on spending the rest of his day alone in his apartment. He did get back to his apartment, only to have the doorbell ring a few minutes later.

"Delivery for Sam Winchester?" a tired looking flower person said. She held the flowers out to Sam, who took them with surprise. "Your note is a little weird, I think your boyfriend is insane." With that, she left.

Sam smiled at the roses. They were red, obviously, but there was a gold one mixed up in there. Sam wondered if it had been done on purpose or not...definitely seemed purposeful.

As Sam looked at the golden one he remembered the golden haired guy from Dean and Cas's wedding...but it couldn't be him.

Sam opened the note, smiling before he even read it.

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