5;being part of the 5sos fam

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"Oh my hood, Jessa, are you okay?"

What kind of question is that?!

"Does it not look like I'm not okay?" I asked with a tad bit of 'sass' as Luke would say it.

Luke.. Who's Luke again?

"I don't know! You're crying all of the sudden!" Amy exclaimed nervously as she flailed her hands around.

Oh yeah. Luke's the sos guy. Tsk, silly Jessa.

"Yeah. And are crying people ever okay?"

"Uh, yeah? Some people let out tears of joy at times." Tears of joy?

Is it suppose to be a kind of mockery?

"Oh hush already. Lets just get back to Ames' apartment." Lynn shushed us before sashaying away to Amy's car.

"Wanna explain why you were crying?" Amy asked as we started walking towards the same direction as Lynn.

I guess we only have one direction to go to.

Get it?

It's a joke fangirls (Amy) use.

And I quote from Amy, "you have to know these jokes and types of things to get out of your rock."

I guess these types of things will be reached at school for this century kids.

Can't imagine seeing children just learning about sauces- sos and directions.

What's next? Teach them how to survive in a post apocalyptic world or in a maze?

People nowadays.

"Um, hello? Earth to Jessa? You there?" Amy. Always snapping me out of my zone outs.

It's annoying.

"I'm standing about 10 centimetres from you and I'm blinking, breathing and walking. How can I not be here?"

Amy laughed, "your logic is legit."

My logic is what the hell? Who tells someone that their logic is legit.

Amy's weird.

"So, why were you crying?" Again with this question.

"Did you or did you not expect me to listen to the girl who cried wolf by sos boys just to make me listen and not feel for it?"

Amy laughed again, "its a song."

"One, you can't just say it like it's just a song. Two, have you ever even listen carefully to the lyrics? Three, I have a feeling your 'its' didn't have an apostrophe. It's it's not its."

Amy laughed again.

Does this girl not know that that laugh is annoying?

"Lets just go."

She seems suspicious.

I shrugged and went.

The only thing left in my mind was the sauce album.

It did sound good. And it did feel good... Some parts.


"Home sweet home." Amy said as she inhaled the air surrounding her.

"Hey, Ames, can I borrow your laptop?" Lynn asked as she walked to the kitchen.

"Uh, ask Jessa. Maybe Jess wants to use it." Amy said as she plopped down on the couch with me mimicking her actions.

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