30; how we met

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That's the beautiful Jace :3



"Jessa." She poked my cheek.

"Cara, I'm sleeping." I grumpily mumbled out.

"Jace's here for you." Cara poked my cheek, again.

"Tell him to fuck off." I grumpily replied and swatted Cara's hand away which made Cara chuckle, "Jace!" She yelled. Eff you, Cara. "Jess told you to fuck off!" She yelled.

I heard Jace laughing from outside my room, "Alright, alright. Bye, J! Love you!" Jace yelled, making me growl. Though, thank god for Jace being his understanding self. Bless his soul.

"Shut up, god dammit." I grumbled again.

Cara patted my head, "I bought some breakfast, by the way. McD style. Just the way you like it." She sounded like a mother.

A smile appeared on my face, "Can I have breakfast in bed today?" I asked with an innocent voice. I feel like a child.

Cara groaned in fake annoyance, "Yes, sweetie." She said and I heard her getting up from my side, "But," there's always a but, "I get to control the TV." Cara said, making me roll my eyes under my closed eyes.

"Whatever. Just get me my breakfast." I said and shooed her away.

"God, you're lucky I love you." I heard Cara mumble.


I groaned at Cara, "why the Ellen show?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Cara rolled her eyes, "Because I want to. And don't you like Ellen?" She asked.

"I do but not today." I grumbled. I feel so ew today that my mood all went down to the bottom of the sea.

"Well, I wanna watch it." Cara repeated and stuck her tongue out at me.


Unfortunately, for Cara, Ellen hasn't started yet. The damned commercials were taking over the TV.

"Stupid commercials." Cara growled at the TV before turning to me, "why are you in such a bad mood, anyways?" She suddenly asked.

I pursed my lips, "Well, when you dream about people you're not fond off, what would be your reaction when you wake up?" I asked her.

Cara snickered, "I would probably murder something when I wake up. Probably you." She said and turned dead serious.

I scoffed, "you love me too much, babe." I said and did a smoochy face, making her roll her eyes.

"Back to the original sub," Cara plopped on her elbows, "who did you dream of?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

I scrunched my nose, "it wasn't a wet dream."

Cara's eyes widened as she got ready to laugh, "I never said it was." That's when she started laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "it was about people I'm not so fond of." I grumpily said and crossed my arms. Again, I'm like a child.

Cara stopped laughing and got interested, "who are these people who messed with my queen?" Cara asked jokingly, making me roll my eyes again, "Shut up." I simply scolded her.

"I have a feeling these people are the 5 s-"

"Shhh." I shushed Cara, my spit probably everywhere when I shushed. "We do not speak of them." I said in a hushed tone.

Cara bit her lip to hide her laughter, "okay, okay." She mimicked my tone of voice and turned her attention back to the TV.

I did the same and sighed, "Why do I have a feeling that they are gonna make an appearance on Ellen?" I asked grumpily.

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