29; that time

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1 year later.

It has been a year since I last saw Mikey and Niall. The only two people who had brought happiness in my life.

Oh, can't forget Amy and Jace.

The others? Well, what others?

"Oi, Jessy!" Suddenly two arms are wrapped around my neck, pulling my backwards.

"Dammit, Cara! You're gonna choke me!" I exclaimed with giggles.

"Well, get your head in the game, Rae." She said playfully and ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, yeah." I sighed with a smile and swatted her hands away.

You lots are probably thinking, 'who's cara?' And 'what had happened last year?'

Well, let me tell you a story.

1 year ago;After the 5sos concert

"Amazing as always." I clapped my hands loudly when I saw Mikey and the others walking towards me.

"I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or.."

I punched Mikey on his left arm, "it's a compliment, douchebag." I chuckled.

He scrunched his face at me, "weren't you upset a few minutes ago?" He asked, studying me.

"A few minutes when?" I played the clueless card, hoping he'd drop it.

Behind Mikey, Luke was shaking his head vigorously and mouthing the word 'No' whilst the other two idiots were grinning and making heart shaped hand gestures along with smoochy faces behind Luke.

I can't help but laugh at them.

"Wha-" Mikey turned around to see three faggots.

"Luke was try-"

"Luke was nothing!" Luke exclaimed, cutting off Calum.

Mikey glared at Luke and exchange glances between him and me, "Luke, what did you do go my innocent girl?" Mikey asked, narrowing his eyes at Luke.

Luke's eyes widen, "We didn't do anything!" Luke defended.

I rolled my eyes at Mikey's protective self, "we just hugged." I answered Mikey with a nonchalant shrug, making Luke groan, "You weren't suppose to tell him!" Luke exclaimed.

I shrugged again, "It's not like we kissed again or did something inappropriate." I told them.

Mikey looked flabbergasted, "Y-you guys kissed?!" He asked quite loudly.

"Shush, Mikey. Of course we did. It was for your plan." I rolled my eyes at the cherry boy.

"Wa-wait! You guys actually did it?" I scrunched my eyebrows at him, "uh, yeah. That was the reason you guys left us, right?" This made them so confused.

Mikey glared again at Luke, "what did you tell her?" He asked Luke.

Luke with wide eyes told him, "Calum said it! He said we should do the 'deed'." Then he realized his mistake, "We didn't do it, of course!"

Mikey turned to glare at Calum who shrugged, "It was all Ashton." Calum said nonchalantly making Ashton panic, "Me?! I- my plan was finished! What did I do?!"

Luckily, Jace came along.

"I guess you guys are all in good terms now." Jace said awkwardly as he approached us, scratching his head under his beanie.

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