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I woke up in a bunk bed with a penguin plush toy beside me.

Immediately I realized that I may have gotten raped by a baby child last night.

I felt something buzzing underneath my hand and saw my phone blinking.

The first thing I saw was;

@Luke5sos: heyyy Jessa :-) I hope you read this first when u wake up before attacking me and the guys. I found u asleep on the chair last night so I untied your legs and put you to bed :-) hope u slept well <3

I wanted to smile but the second few messages made me not smile;

@Michael5sos: u better wake up sis. The boys are playing with your stuff :o

@Michael5sos: p.s I duplicated your key card long ago so don't worry abt your stuff getting left off :))

@Michael5sos: how do u use tampons?

@Michael5sos: wakeeeee upppppppp!!!!

@Michael5sos: Luke said he didn't wanna wake u uppp :(

@Michael5sos: if u need to know, we're in Malaysia now byebye japan ;p

I slept for how long?

I immediately got out of bed and head towards the sound of noisy boys.

"Hey!" About five boys exclaimed out cheerfully.

"Why the hell are there five boys in the bus?"

Ashton shrugged, "Niall wanted to hang with us. Oh, you missed Zayn, by the way. He sent us to the airport before leaving for his girlfriend." He said and took a bite out of his Twinkie.

"Who's Zayn again?"

"The hot one."

"Thanks, Mikey." I rolled my eyes at the red head.

"Your welcome, sis."

"I thought I was the hot one?" Niall joined in and pouted.

"You're the cute one, babe." Cal winked at him making him mock a girly giggle.

"Wait," I realized, "how did we get to Malaysia... While I was sleeping the whole journey... Oh my god, did someone touched me? And carried me throughout the whole journey?!" I yelled out questioningly.

Idiotic boys were touching me.


"Don't worry, lil' one." Michael started and patted my head, "Luke was the one who carried you and... Took care of you." He winked, making me roll my eyes automatically.

"Dude!" Luke seemed flustered by Mikey's casual response.

"Where are we headed again?" I asked, ignoring the two.

"Malaysia, Koala Lumpur, I think it's called." Mikey replied not surely.

"I think you meant Kuala Lumpur." Ashton corrected.

The boys went 'yeah' and 'oh yeah' and 'Ashton you're not so dumb after all'.

I rolled my eyes at their comments.

"What hotel are we staying at?" I asked and reached out for a Twinkie near Ashton.

"Some hotel we don't remember the name to." Cal waved off.

"Don't worry about your baggage, by the way. I handled everything. Here." Mikey said and tossed me a key card with the numbers '303'.

"Thanks, brosive." I'm getting use to this nickname thing.

Accidental Follow// L.H.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang