36; Stuck

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"What are you doing here?!" I asked him and backed up into the wall.

Luke shrugged, "I'm stuck here." He answered, "Just like how you are." He said and nodded towards me.

I face palmed myself and groaned, "I can see that, idiot! But, why are you here at this hotel?" I asked.

Luke hesitated before opening his mouth to answer but I cut him off.

"Let me guess, Cara and Ken spilled that we were staying here." I guessed.

Luke opened his mouth again and I cut him off again, "And you were actually going to be outside my room if the elevator didn't get stuck." I guessed again.

Luke scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "We-"

"Oh, and Mikey and the others are the cause for us getting stuck in here. That's it, right?" I asked hurriedly.

Luke stayed quiet and crossed his arms. He seemed amused by my small panic attack.

"Jerk." I grumbled.

"Wait, what did I do?" Luke asked with an amused tone and an amused chuckle.

I sighed and slid down the wall, "You're chuckling at me." I mumbled and wrapped my arms around my legs, breathing heavily.

Luke's face softened, "Wait, are you claustrophobic?" He asked in a softer tone and squat down so he was at my eye level.

I gripped my hair, "Why do you think I'm acting all igloo shit?!" I snapped at him.

Luke winced and then laughed. He laughed.

"What?" I ask.

"You're just so cute." He suddenly said.

I froze.

Literally froze.

"Uh, Jessa are you still breathing?" Luke asked and came closer which literally made my eyes pop.

"You're heating up." He said as he put the back of his hand onto my forehead.

I slapped his hand away from me, "Of course I'd be heating up! You're basically fcking bigfoot just inches away from my face!" I yelled at him.

Luke looked at me oddly before he burst out laughing and rolling on the floor.

"What's funny now?" I asked him in an annoyed tone.

He continued on laughing, ignoring my question.

"How long am I suppose to wait for an answer?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Luke continued on laughing but now he sat up, "It's good to know you still have that little weird potty mouth of yours." He chuckled and smiled softly at me.

I rolled my eyes in disgust, "It's a bad habit of mine."

"I know." Luke said and sat cross legged, "But I enjoy hearing you blurt out random things." I dare meet his eyes.

"Like igloo shit." He chuckled which made me chuckle, "Never heard that one before."

He stared at me for a moment, "See, you're not freaking out anymore." He said softly and then I realized that what he said was true.

I wasn't panicking anymore.

"Oh, um, thanks, Luke." I said awkwardly and sat cross legged as well.

Luke smiled, "You're welcome."

I scoffed, "This doesn't mean I forgive you, though." I said clearly.

Luke let his smile stay, "I'll wait then." He said and plopped himself onto his elbows.

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