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(not my art. ~ http://orig13.deviantart.net/d2c7/f/2012/331/a/6/bffs_by_i_z_o_m_b_i_e-d5mc42d.jpg )

*Seth's POV*

Dean threw the great ball and out came a pokemon I thought I would never see. A Kazam. How did he find an Abra? And how did he evolve it that fast last night? Well he was gone for like 2 hours. He could have been training. Oh well. I need to focus. 

I threw in sneasle. Me and Dean stood side by side, boyfriends against this couple. They threw out a Dunsparce and Sandslash. I smirked.

"Ok, Sneasle, use dark pulse!"

I said and she did. 

"Kazam, use psycho cut."

Dean said and they worked perfectly together as a team. Just like me and Dean were a team. We battled side by side, not giving up and soon we won. Which we walked off with our win and we let our pokemon hang out and eat while we had a small picnic. I loved it. While I ate I lay my head on Dean's shoulder and he smiled down at me before handing a piece of his sandwich to houndoom. I smiled and started to eat mine and gave a little to Sneasle. Houndoom then got an apple and walked to Sneasle and bit it in half nudging a piece to her. I smiled at that. I think Houndoom likes her. She gladly took it and said her thanks as she began to nom on it. Houndoom smiled before going and eating his slice.

"Hey Dean?"

I asked.


He hummed.

"Do you think pokemon can love each other too?"

I said looking at them still. He looked at me then followed my gaze and smiled a bit.

"Maybe. Well, I think they do."

He said before putting a safe arm around my waist. I smiled and lay against him a bit and sighed happily. If this isn't love, I don't know what it is. I looked over at Kazam and Vulpix playing and smiled. Our pokemon really did get along. Just like us. And I'm glad. Cause I won't be leaving him any time soon. I hope never. I would love to be married to him and be 'Mr.Seth Ambrose'. Hey that has a good ring to it...

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