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*Dean's POV*

Once we where there we met Seth's uncle and his cousin who were practicing with their lucarios. My rilou was watching beside me. He was one of my newest pokemon. They mega evolved and I smiled at this. One day, my Rilou will mega evolve into mega lucario. Seth and Roman were beside me watching. Roman and Seth had their rilous out as well. We all caught one and were gonna train them together. All were males luckily, no babies. Ha. No, seriously.... Roman says that's me and Seth's job but nah.. I don even think a guy can get pregnant? Oh well we aint gonna do that yet.. 

We watched the mega lucarios for a little until Seth's cousin's one got insane and went after me. I jumped and ran but it hit me with an auro sphere and I fell to the ground as Seth and Roman ran; not knowing. Houndoom then came out and got in front of me growling. Everyone had ran.. Except this lucario.. It stared at my houndoom growling. I backed up holding my now bleeding arm. My houndoom only growled more and more at this mega lucario. I needed some serious help... Then, Seth's uncle's lucario helped Houndoom by fighting the other lucario so Houndoom could help me. He helped me up but I fell to my knees in pain as he whined a bit.

"I'm ok buddy... Im ok..."

I said trying to get up but falling again. I was really hurt. He whined a bit before helping me up after turning mega. I leaned on him so I could walk. It hurt so bad to walk but we made it inside this old old building. I sat against the wall and groaned in pain. Houndoom turned back to normal instead of mega and sat by me and lay down. I was wondering where the others were but I couldn't think of that now.. I needed some help. I looked down to a gash in my arm and looked around before seeing a stapler. 

Are you serious? That's the only thing they have around here? No first aid kit?? I sighed and looked around before crawling to it and picking it up and setting it on a table before seeing a first aid kit. Few.. I hope.... I sit in the chair and open it up; my bad arm against my chest; sideways tho so it's not up and down for blood to just drip onto the floor.

I looked in it after opening it. I grabbed what I needed that they had.. Needle, cloth, staples.... I sighed and stitched up as most as I could; wincing in pain. I gulped before getting the stapler and putting staples where needed. I just wanted to cry in pain. I then took the cloth and cleaned off all the blood. Luckily my brother taught me how to clean wounds and staple up wounds and all that. He used to date a medic... God I hurt all over tho.. I think I may just rest here.... For a little....

I wrap my arm in some ace wrap and limp over to Houndoom and lay beside him to rest. I hope Seth's ok...

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